Sidley is advising 65 Equity Partners, an independently managed investment firm wholly-owned by Temasek Holdings, on its S$150 million investment in Cityneon Group.
Cityneon Group specializes in large-scale, intellectual-property-based, unique and immersive experiences held around the world. These include the recent Jurassic World: The Exhibition in London, Ramses the Great and Gold of the Pharaohs in San Francisco, Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. in Chile and Tokyo, and the upcoming Avatar: The Experience in Singapore.
65 Equity Partners joins existing major institutional shareholders, among them CITIC Capital, Pavilion Capital, EDBI, Qatar’s Doha Venture Capital, and SeaTown Holdings International.
The Sidley team was led by Parthiv Rishi, Alexius Chong, Ji Ung Kim, and Moses Tan with support from Shu Min Ho, Patrick Harrison, Sarangan Rajesh Kumar, Huaice Zheng, and Iva Todorova.