Linklaters has advised Carlyle on the acquisition of AutoForm, a leading provider of end-to-end software solutions for the engineering, evaluation and improvement of the entire sheet-metal forming and body in white assembly engineering process, notably for the automotive industry, from Astorg and the founder of the group.
The Linklaters team in Paris was led by Fabrice de La Morandière and Florent Mazeron, partners, along with Mehdi Boumedine, counsel, Aude Pianet and Chloé Fortin, associates in Corporate/M&A, as well as Géric Clomes, partner in Employment, and Pauline Debré, partner in Intellectual Property. The financing was led by Oliver Sceales, partner, and Daniel Peach, managing associate in Leveraged Finance, from the London office, who were also involved in the structuring and the financing of the transaction.