DLA Piper has advised a Big Four accountancy firm on their first synthetic Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), with LightsourceBP as the developer. This is milestone in the cPPA world as it marks the first professional services corporate PPA to be signed outside of the US, demonstrating the development in the use of cPPAs by a more diverse group of businesses.
The DLA Piper Energy and Natural Resources team was led by Global Co-Chair of Energy and Natural Resources Natasha Luther Jones, partner Andreas Gunst, senior associate Jennifer Keogh and associate Adiya Gokarn.
Commenting, Natasha Luther-Jones said: “We’ve been working with the Big Four firms on cPPAs matters for a number of years and it was great to be advising one of them on their own agreement. Professional services firms signing cPPAs is a clear sign of the cPPA market developing. We’re seeing more and more businesses use this route as part of their overall sustainability strategy, to support the reduction in their carbon footprint, a trend that is only going to increase over the coming years.”