Clifford Chance advised Royal Ten Cate and Gilde Buy Out Partners on an agreement on the sale of TenCate Geosynthetics Holding B.V. to Solmax, a global leader in the production of polyethylene geomembranes for industrial and environmental applications. For more information, click here.
The Clifford Chance core team consisted of Hans Beerlage, Rona Nisar, Femke Buijs, Jorrit Sijl and Rick Tania (corporate), Folko de Vries (FMG), Michiel Sunderman, Pascal Borsjé, Floris van de Bult, Marije Senne and Sanne Blankestijn (TPE), Frans Muller and Jurre Jurriëns (antitrust), Jaap Tempelman and Sophie Wijdeveld (IP/IT) in Amsterdam, and Matthew Warner, Jeff Berman and Benjamin Sibbett (corporate M&A) and Paul Koppel (employment) in New York. The wider team included Wijnanda Rutten, Herman Steinvoort, Esther S. Pyon, Celine Vermeulen, Liesbeth Buiter, Lotte de Bruin and Joris Dortmans.