Personal injury law is a rewarding and uplifting career. When people have been injured in an accident that wasn’t their fault, they sometimes feel like they will be blamed for a lack of concentration (or they may feel that they will be ridiculed for not showing adequate levels of common sense). Some people must take time off work to recuperate, and some people may never return to work altogether.
What most people do not understand is that whenever they are on a business property, or whenever they are simply walking in the street, there is a duty of care owed to them for their personal safety. Being the lawyer that gets to bring this revelation to light, and being the legal mind that navigates the legal system to secure personal injury compensation where rightfully owed, is something that never gets old. If you feel this career could be for you, you are probably correct – nobody thinks of a career in personal injury unless they are predisposed to fight for people’s rights. For an example of how a personal injury firm looks and operates, see MorelliLaw PI attorneys.
What is personal injury law?
Personal injury law is a tort law – a civil case that sets out to secure compensation for the physical injury suffered by an innocent party. This means that cases may vary significantly, from slips trips and falls in the workplace, to road accidents and even issues surrounding health and safety (e.g. bio hazards).  Â
Who is suitable for a career in personal injury law?
In order to be considered a suitable candidate for a career in personal injury law, several personality traits are typically sought out to ensure the right fit. For example, social skills that allow you to connect with people on a personal level are essential, as clients must feel at ease when describing the details of an incident (where clients feel rushed or under pressure, testimony may become skewed – albeit unintentionally – which could lead to issues with the validity of evidence in the courtroom).Â
Are you still reading…
As with any career direction, you must truly believe that you find the work interesting. Personal injury can be emotional. Personal injury involves many medical terms. Personal injury claims often take many months. If you feel up to it, this career could be the right choice.Â