Thanks to popular culture, movies, and TV, divorce lawyers are usually seen as a negative presence in a divorce proceeding. The truth is that divorce lawyers are there to make a very stressful period in one’s life somewhat bearable. The key to understanding why you’d need a divorce lawyer is to understand what it is that divorce lawyers do in the first place.
Navigating the Complex World of Law
The process of divorcing yourself from your spouse is a legal one. Even if you and your ex-spouse are on the best of terms, there is a chance you could benefit from hiring a divorce lawyer.
Their expertise, experience, and knowledge put them in a unique position to help you painlessly navigate the legal complexities of divorce. An experienced divorce lawyer has been through this exact same process numerous times, facing all kinds of curveballs that could happen in the meantime.
Sorting Out Child Custody
Child custody battles are one of the primary reasons to hire a divorce lawyer. Veteran lawyers from say that your chances of winning a child custody battle without a lawyer are usually close to null. Custody of children is a complex and often painful subject that can be difficult to sort out. A divorce lawyer will collect evidence, perform an investigation and put together a convincing case of why their side should get custody of any children involved.
Contested Divorce
Divorces can be peaceful, or they can be truly harrowing. That is the difference between the contested and uncontested divorce. If you happen to deal with the former, you’ll want to have the best one, like a San Diego divorce lawyer by your side.
Contested divorces imply that there is no possibility for peaceful resolution of marriage, and the whole process moves to litigation. At that point, your lawyer takes over and leads a lengthy court battle against the opposition.
Settlement Counseling
Even though some divorces end up in litigation where both parties are fighting tooth and nail for what they feel is theirs, many such cases end with a settlement. Having a lawyer follow you through this process is a good way of getting the most out of a settlement.
Your lawyer will advise you on your next step and offer crucial advice on what you should be asking for, what you can get away with, and what concessions you should agree to in order to reach your goals.
Without a lawyer, you could be missing a great opportunity to finish an otherwise lengthy and tedious legal battle in a way that benefits your bottom line. Likewise, a good lawyer will also tell when to decline a settlement if they feel that you have a case against your spouse that could lead to a more favorable outcome.
Legal Matters Should Be Taken Seriously
Divorce lawyers are practicing one of the most stressful types of law. Their presence is often a necessity rather than a choice. That being said, if you’re going through a divorce, there’s no better way to maximize your chances of success than to hire a professional divorce lawyer.