divorce in miami Archives - Legal Desire Media and Insights https://legaldesire.com/tag/divorce-in-miami/ Latest Legal Industry News and Insights Thu, 06 Dec 2018 04:55:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://legaldesire.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-1-32x32.jpg divorce in miami Archives - Legal Desire Media and Insights https://legaldesire.com/tag/divorce-in-miami/ 32 32 Divorce Cost in Miami, Florida https://legaldesire.com/divorce-cost-in-miami-florida/ https://legaldesire.com/divorce-cost-in-miami-florida/#respond Thu, 06 Dec 2018 04:55:15 +0000 https://legaldesire.com/?p=32662 Weddings aren’t the only expensive part of a marriage. If you and your partner get a divorce, the process can be costly. Before you decide whether or not to get a divorce attorney in Miami, learn all about the cost. What’s the Average Divorce Cost? Legal fees are not easy to define. In all aspects […]

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Weddings aren’t the only expensive part of a marriage. If you and your partner get a divorce, the process can be costly. Before you decide whether or not to get a divorce attorney in Miami, learn all about the cost.

What’s the Average Divorce Cost?

Legal fees are not easy to define. In all aspects of law, the cost of legal representation varies. Every case is different and requires different services. Typically, the cost of your case depends on the amount of hours required by your lawyer and the complexity of the case.


This is true of divorce as well. In Miami, the cost of your divorce varies greatly. If your marriage is simple, it might only cost a few hundred dollars. However, that is rare. More complex cases can cost thousands of dollars.


To learn the divorce cost in Miami, you need to consider the two types of divorces. Here’s a closer look at the average cost of each type:


1. Simplified Dissolution of a Marriage

When you and your spouse agree on the terms of your divorce, the process can be inexpensive and quick. Divorce law in Florida allows for a simplified dissolution of marriage. This type of divorce must meet the following requirements:


  • You have no minor or dependent children
  • You agree on the division of assets and debt
  • Neither spouse wants alimony
  • Neither spouse wants the right to go to trial or appeal the decision


The cost to file this type of divorce in Miami is about $400. There is also a small summons fee. If you work with a lawyer to file the form, your costs increase.

2. Dissolution of Marriage

It’s more common for a divorcing couple to have a dissolution of marriage. In this situation, the process is more complex. You and your spouse might try mediation in an effort to avoid court. However, you might need to go to court.


This type of divorce is the more costly of the two. If you resolve your issues in mediation, it might only cost you a few thousand dollars. However, a court case can cost well over $10,000. The cost depends on many factors.


In Miami, the average divorce costs about $13,500. But the range of cost is between about $3,000 and $30,000, so it’s difficult to say how much your divorce would cost. The average cost for a court-settled divorce anywhere in the US is almost $20,000.

What Factors Affect the Divorce Cost in Miami?

Because no divorce is the same, lawyers need to treat every situation on a case-by-case basis. There is no single price for a divorce.


All of the following factors impact the cost of your divorce:


  • The hourly rate of your lawyer
  • Whether or not your case goes to court
  • The length of the court case
  • Whether or not children are involved
  • The complexity of the financial situation
  • Whether or not there are dispositions and expert witnesses


The more complex your case, the higher the cost. Likewise, high conflict cases tend to cost more money.

Knowing Your Divorce Cost

Miami has one of the highest divorce rates of all US cities. If you’re considering a divorce, you should carefully consider the cost.


Unfortunately, that’s much easier said than done. There is no simple calculation that can tell you how much your case will cost. If you want a firm number, your best bet is to speak to a Miami divorce attorney.

The post Divorce Cost in Miami, Florida appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

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