Whether for financial emergencies or mortgage payment, loans should be carefully considered. With many credit unions in Syracuse ready to give you a loan, you must take out a loan for legitimate reasons only. For instance, if you’re planning to start a business, then consider a loan to finance it. But never use credit for personal gratification.
To avoid ending up with a financial burden, here are some points you need to consider before taking out a loan:
- Loan Types
Loans can come in various sectors such as Empower Federal Credit Union or banks. You can apply for any financial institution as long as you’re qualified. But due to the different types of loans available, you need to understand the following loan types so you can select the right choice:
- Personal Loan – This is the kind of loan that you can use for your personal needs such as a funeral, wedding, vacation, home renovation, or car. It’s a smaller type of loan, and its term is shorter like 1 to 5 years. Also, it comes in secured or unsecured loans. Secured loans need collateral and is suitable if you have no credit or poor history. Unsecured loans require collateral and credit scores as a basis.
- Business Loan – This is used when starting a business and its rate is either varied or fixed, as well as secured or unsecured. It is usually used for capitals or business expenses.
- Mortgage Loan – Also known as a home loan, which uses real estate or property as a collateral. Its payment terms come in 5 to 30 years, and interest rates can also be varied or fixed. Since it’s dependent on the market, interests can be high or low.
- Interest Rates
After deciding what type of loan to take, consider the rate of its interest. It may be higher than what you have calculated, especially when you dwell on the media’s perspective. Depending on the type of loan you’re taking, the risk of paying more than the original loan is higher. Interest rates are one of the factors that sum up the total amount of what you need to pay.
To give you an overview, here’s how the rate of interests affect you:
- Greater loan payments for your mortgage when the interest rates are high.
- High-interest rates can decrease your home value in the market.
- Inflation can curb the high-interest rate. It means you can have a higher income when the interest is at a low rate, a fixed-interest is locked in your loan.
- Loan Terms
A loan’s term refers to the length of your loan by paying the monthly minimum payment. This can also refer to the terms and conditions you agreed upon. Loans are either short or long-term; they can last depending on the agreed length of time between the borrower and the lender.
For longer terms, you pay more for the interest while paying a lower price each month. For instance, if your total amount of loan is USD 100,000 with a fixed-rate of 1% each month for 20 years, you’ll be paying a total of USD 340,000 after 20 years. You may be paying a monthly payment of USD 1,416.67, but after your loan matures, you’ll end up paying more than what you have borrowed.
With regards to your loan agreement, you’ll pay an agreed amount under writing. However, if anything goes wrong, either you or the lender has a right and responsibility under the terms and conditions. Here are some things that are covered under your loan agreement:
- Interest rate – Can either be a variable or fixed rate, and the interest is added to your loan balance.
- Monthly payment – This is dependent on the interest rate and the length of your loan.
- Prepayment penalties – Check whether your loan agreement has a prepayment penalty so you won’t waste money paying for a longer period.
- Hidden Fees
If you’re all set, never forget to ask about any hidden charges before signing the loan agreement. As much as possible, avoid incurring such hidden fees by understanding the terms of agreement and the following fees:
- Loan Processing Fee – It comes up when the lender charges you of the application process, which usually comes at 1% of the loan value.
- Failed Payment Fee – Some lenders charge a failed payment fee when your account doesn’t have money to cover your payment.
- Late Payment Fee – Even if it’s just a day late, lenders can charge you with a late payment fee.
Taking up loans can be beneficial as long as you understand every aspect of it. You can use loans to your advantage, whether for personal, business, or mortgage. But without learning how loan payment or terms work, you may end up paying higher than what you originally planned to borrow. Therefore, consider the factors mentioned above before signing up for a loan agreement.