PG College of Law, Osmania University and ICSI are jointly organizing the two day National Research Seminar on “Corporate Laws & Challenges to the New Governments”.
Date: 25th – 26th July, 2015
Venue: Seminar Hall, Prof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad
The 21st Century throws great challenges to the Indian economy. The status of India as No.1 in the global economy depends upon the legislative support in the form of corporate legislations apart from other factors. The present Central government has announced various programmes like “Make in India” and other programmes. In line with the central government, various state governments are also announcing programmes to achieve a rapid economic development and growth. In this connection the small and medium industries need high encouragement and protection from the onslaught of the giant business houses for which the Competition Act, 2002 plays a very pivotal role.
The corporate legislations like the Companies Act, 2013, The Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, The Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956, Depositories Act, 1996, The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 and other allied legislations play a very centrifugal role. These legislations are essential for the corporate governance and have high relevance in the light of the proposed government policy of enhancing the FDI ratio.
So it is essential now to study whether these existing corporate laws are enough and sufficient to channelize the flow of foreign investment into India and further controlling the share market, unhealthy takeover bids, facilitating healthy growth of medium and small scale industries and the growth and development of giant Institutions. Further, when the foreign investment is encouraged very much in the present scenario, a pertinent question is that whether this foreign contribution will help the massive and fast growing number of younger generation to get suitable employment based on their eligibility, qualifications and training.
Absorption of this massive younger generation through proper employment is a great challenge to the government. The finality is that India belongs to this younger generation, which will ultimately mould India’s future status in the world economy in the ensuing years. Thus this seminar is aimed at analysing the efficacy and relevance of the present corporate legislations to make India a great giant in the economic front as the industry, trade and commerce ultimately form the backbone for the nation’s economy. A deep rooted study is invited to analyse the above issues and find out the efficacy of these corporate laws and suggestions for improvement.
- Companies Act, 2013 and allied laws, their relevance and contribution to meet the challenges in the 21st Century
- Laws relating to foreign investment in India and the issues thereon
- Competition law in India, its role in promoting competition in markets in India
- Social Security and human rights concept in corporate sector
Call for Papers:
Papers are invited from the field of Law, Management, Finance, Engineering or any other discipline and they are requested to contribute their original and unpublished articles relate to the Seminar Themes and any other issues relevant to the subject. CS members and other professionals may contribute the papers, though they are not pursuing Ph.D.
Submission Guidelines:
Participants are requested to send their abstracts / full length research papers on:
- A4 size paper using 12 font size on Times New Roman with single space
- Abstract should include a concise title, name of the author(s) and address
- Name of the presenting author should be underlined
- The Abstract should not exceed 250 words
- Participants are further requested to send their soft copy of abstract through e-mail on or before 20th June, 2015 to
- The candidates whose abstract are selected, should submit the Full length papers on or before 30th June, 2015.
- Best selected full length papers will be published with ISBN No. in the book form and the same shall be released at the Seminar.
Registration Fee:
- Professional / Academicians: Rs. 1,000/- (the Members of the ICSI are entitled to 8 credit hours)
- Students, Ph.D. Scholars and APS Members of ICSI Hyderabad Chapter: Rs. 500/- (the Students of ICSI are entitled to 16 credit hours)
Anyone can participate in the Seminar; above mentioned fee is for only participation and no separate fee for presentation of paper.
The Registration fee can be paid at the registration counter on the day of seminar. The participants are requested to confirm their participation well in advance, which helps the organisers to make the arrangements accordingly.
The schedule of the Seminar and the keynote speakers’ details will be informed well in advance to all the participants and paper presenters through e-mail.
Accommodation will be provided on payment basis to the participants, who send their request on or before 10lh July, 2015.
Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract: | 20th June, 2015 |
Acceptance of Abstract: | 23rd June, 2015 |
Submission of Full length paper: | 30th June, 2015 |
Mr. A. Sridhar
Seminar Co-Convener
PG College of Law, Osmania University
Basheerbagh, Hyderabad
Phone: +91-9989394290
Mr. Issac Raj
Seminar Co-ordinator
6-3-609/5, Anand Nagar,
Khairatabad, Anand Nagar,
Hyderabad – 500004
Phone: +91-7658983099,