The world is becoming more and more reliant on the internet and as such, we have made leaps and bounds in terms of business software. There is a software program available for just about everything, from VAT online software to business management to HR. If you are running a law practice or you are considering starting up for your own practice then you need the following software to help your firm run as smoothly as possible.
Practice Management Software
Case management or practice management software helps you organise and keep track of your contacts, cases, documents and calendars as well as billing and finances. This is probably one of the most important pieces of software you can get your hands on and will be invaluable to you on a daily basis. Cilo is a leader among cloud-based law firm case management software and is our pick for your practice management.
Legal Research Software
Software such as Westlaw and LexisNexis offer access to free legal research and is constantly being developed and enhanced further to improve its services. The software itself isn’t free but once you pay your subscription you can access an array of case law, court rules, newspapers and regulations
Word Processing
Word processing software is probably one of the most heavily utilised tools in any business, second to email services. The most popular and reliable option is the standard Microsoft Word. With Microsoft Word you can also access their other useful tools such as outlook, excel and PowerPoint.
Accounting is essential and without this software you will find yourself relying on spreadsheets and open to a huge number of human errors. Sage is one of the most popular choices for accounting software and is the second largest tech company in the UK. Subscribe to Sage to access their accounting and payroll services, from tax returns and expense tracking to payroll and bonuses.
Buying a Domain
Your practice needs an internet presence, both in the form of a website and a customised email address. Your website is your online business card and will be the main focus for potential clients and referral sources. You need a good, professional-looking website – just a LinkedIn profile will not cut it. In addition to this you need a personalised email address, receiving correspondence from a Gmail or outlook account will look unprofessional and may even be disregarded.
Website Design
As mentioned before, your website is your online advertisement, and you need to invest in a professional, specialised service to help build your webpage. An impressive website is vital to helping you with basic business development and forming long-lasting professional relationships. It is important to remember that law firm websites are not like websites for restaurants or small businesses, another reason to get professional help.
Logo Design
A logo represents your firm’s brand to clients, colleagues, and referral sources. It will be on your website, your business cards, your email correspondence as well as being displayed at any office space you rent. You want to leave a good impression and capture people’s attention with a strong logo.