Human trafficking goes by many names, including trafficking in persons and modern-day slavery. It’s an illegal enterprise that benefits from the forceful exploitation of individuals for financial rewards. The most common forms of exploitation include trafficking for sex and labor.
In 2018, the Philippines, Mexico, and the US were ranked as the world’s leading human trafficking hotspots. New York, California, and Texas (Houston) have been identified as major human trafficking hubs in the US.
Fortunately, there’s hope. As a victim of this barbaric practice, you can take help from a Houston human trafficking attorney to assist you in your case against those who exploited you. There’s no need for you to suffer in silence while these criminals walk free.
Houston – A Hotspot for Human Trafficking
The state of Texas is enjoying a booming economy. Coupled with its geographical location and a large immigrant community, it has grown into a human trafficking hub. Houston is home to some 6,000 runaway minors. It’s estimated that 1 out of every 3 runaways is lured into sex trafficking within 72 hours of running away from home.
Forms Of Human Trafficking
In the US, sex trafficking, forced labor, child labor, child sex trafficking, and forced domestic servitude are considered as forms of human trafficking (note that this list isn’t exhaustive).
Despite being prevalent in these three states, by no means, this indicates it’s not found in the rest of the country.
How To Spot Human Trafficking
Human trafficking offenders are constantly looking for ways to remain a step ahead of the authorities. Despite this, there are subtle signs that can lead you to spot instances involving human trafficking. These are:
- Physical bruising or signs of abuse
- Minors working
- Underage prostitution
- Individuals exhibiting fear
- Individuals without proper identification documents
- Lack of pay for work that’s done
- Appearance of malnutrition
- Appearing to lack personal possession, etc.
Benefits Of Hiring An Attorney
- Compensation
A reputable Houston human trafficking attorney can help you file a lawsuit against the offenders. They can argue your case in a court of law for fair compensation. Despite having endured suffering, at the very least, they can fight to ensure that you get rewarded for any lost wages and so on.
- Get Justice
Your attorney has the necessary knowledge regarding issues on human trafficking and will work sincerely for your case. They can help you get out of a miserable situation quickly through clear planning and immediate filing of a case in the federal court.
Choosing An Attorney
Considering the sensitivity of these cases, you will need a highly reputable, knowledgeable attorney to represent you in court. Thanks to the internet, the process of enlisting the services of these professionals can be done online.
While comparing attorneys, please make a point of checking their reviews. It’s crucial as this will shed light on their success rate, and more importantly, how their past clients feel about them. You require someone who has the delicate touch but also firm enough to ensure you get the justice you need.
Human trafficking is an evil that needs to be dealt with with the full force of the law. If you have experienced or know someone who has suffered this ordeal, the first step is to report to the local authorities.
Additionally, enlisting the services of a seasoned Houston human trafficking attorney will help put an end to this trade, one criminal at a time.