The statistics regarding car accidents in the US can be quite worrying to read. Every day, around 100 people are killed in auto accidents and thousands more are injured, and even if you drive safely and follow the rules, you’re still at risk of encountering a reckless, negligent, or drunk driver every time you take to the road.
This is why it’s so important to know what to do if and when an accident occurs. Many people hope and believe that they’ll never be in an accident, thanks to their careful driving and attentive nature, but the risks are simply too great to ignore, and countless people find themselves involved in accidents that weren’t their fault on a regular basis due to the actions of others.
So what should you do if you are the victim of an accident? Well, there are several important steps to follow, and perhaps the most important of all is to try and keep as calm as possible, following the proper procedure and contacting the right people to give yourself the best chance of success later on with your insurance claim and any resulting legal cases.
Contact a Lawyer
One of the most important things you can do after an accident is to contact a personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer to help you out. Navigating the legal minefield of car accidents can be immensely challenging for those without the proper experience and expertise, and many insurance agents will do all they can to try and get out of paying.
This is why you need an experienced attorney on your side. A lawyer will be able to guide you through the whole process, informing you of your rights, telling you what action to take, and helping you understand what steps to follow in order to ensure that your case has a satisfying outcome. Without a legal advisor by your side, it’s easy to make mistakes that could prove costly later on.
Follow Medical Advice
Another essential tip for coping with car accidents and protecting your legal rights, as well as protecting your own health, is to always get yourself checked over by a doctor for any potential injuries and then follow the doctor’s advice to the letter.
Even if you were only involved in a minor collision and don’t feel like you have an injury, it’s still wise to get checked out. Often, car accident victims might not notice any immediate aches or pains, but their injuries will start to become apparent a little later on, and a doctor can help diagnose problems and treat them before they become more serious. If you fail to seek help or follow advice, opposing legal teams or insurers could claim that you aren’t actually injured at all.
Don’t Settle, Agree, or Admit to Anything
If you want to protect your rights and avoid making any legal mistakes in the wake of a car accident, it’s important to choose your words carefully and be cautious about who you speak to. If you admit to anything or agree to any kind of settlement, it may become impossible, even with the help of a lawyer, to win your case.
As stated earlier on, insurance adjusters and opposing legal teams will be looking for anything they can use to catch you out, and if you admit in any way to causing the accident or mistakenly say that you aren’t injured, you could pay the price. You might decide to settle or agree eventually, but make sure to talk to your lawyer beforehand.
Avoid Talking Too Much
Following on from the previous point, it’s important to try and limit how much you talk about the case in general, even with friends and family or on social media. The slightest lapse in concentration or misused phrase could be used against you.
For example, if you have suffered an injury after an accident but make a post on social media talking about what a great day you just had with your family, this could be used to suggest that your injury isn’t all that serious. Make it a habit to only talk about your case with your lawyer until everything is settled and concluded.
Being in a car accident can be stressful, panic-inducing, and even life-altering, but you don’t have to suffer silently, and you can seek some form of compensation and justice for what happened. Remember to keep these tips in mind and follow the correct procedure in the wake of an accident to preserve your legal rights and give yourself the best chances of success.