As loyal as you might be to companies that provide you with products and services, there may come a time when you realize it’s time to make a change. Even after years of receiving auto insurance from the same company, loyalty only means so much if you are still getting a high level of service after all those years. Here are a few signs that indicate that it might be time to shop around.
Your Premiums Keep Increasing – and You Don’t Know Why
It’s only natural for the cost of car insurance to go up over time. It has to keep up with the rate of inflation and the ever-increasing costs of repairs, medical care, and increased accident levels. However, one way to know that it might be time to shop around for auto insurance quotes is that your premiums continue to rise without warning and reason. It’s at this point that you may like to compare their premiums to those of other auto insurance companies.
Your Policy Is Up for Renewal
When you receive a reminder about the renewal of your policy, take it as an opportunity to shop around. Find out if another company can offer a more desirable premium, and see if their extras are better than what you are currently receiving. Even if you find that other insurance companies are on-par with the one you are already with, there is no harm in doing your homework, especially if you are trying to budget and manage your money better.
You’re Looking for Benefits Your Insurance Provider Doesn’t Offer
Not every insurance provider will be able to offer the ‘full’ package for your needs. You may want to put your home, life, and auto insurance all through one provider, and your current insurance provider doesn’t offer such an option. In that case, it can be worth shopping around. Many insurance providers offer multi-policy discounts to save you money and provide the convenience of only dealing with one company for all your insurance needs.
Their Customer Service Is Lacking
Efficient customer service is not an unreasonable expectation. When you need to make a claim, change something on your policy, or ask a question, you expect to be able to talk to someone without too much of a delay.
If you’re struggling to find someone to talk to about policies or even a general inquiry, a change of insurance provider could be on the cards. If they don’t make your question a priority, you may not be confident that they will make any claims a priority, either.
Your Circumstances Have Changed
You may have signed up to an insurance provider with a specific set of needs, but now those needs have changed. If your current provider isn’t able to provide a new policy to suit those needs, such as insuring your Uber business vehicle, a modified vehicle, or providing a competitive policy after a driving infringement, there is no harm in looking around.
As loyal as you might be to any business you have relied on for several years, there can be value in seeing if something better is out there. Having an insurance provider that you can trust means you may have more confidence and peace of mind each time you hit the road.