When registering a trademark, you protect your business from people who intend to infringe on it. Generally, using the services of an attorney for the registration process isn’t an obligation. However, hiring one ensures you don’t waste your time or money.
You might not know it, but a trademark is essential to a business. It can serve as an assurance to your customers of your goods and services. Customers who see your trademark on your services or goods know what to expect from you. In turn, this builds customer loyalty and confidence.
A trademark is fundamental to your business. So, you have to take the necessary steps to protect it. Whether you should use the services of an attorney or not depends on different factors, which are thoroughly discussed below. In most cases, though, it’s recommended.
For example, to protect your business brand in Atlanta, you will need some of the trademark lawyers Atlanta has to help carry out any legal matters. Plus, they help in protecting your intellectual rights by checking and tracing claims related to potential infringement.
Let’s begin.
Who needs a trademark lawyer?
As a part of intellectual property law, trademark law covers the use of trade logos, names, and any branding component that identifies the source of services and goods of a business. A trademark attorney is a legal advisor that specializes in this law area.
Individuals and businesses usually hire a trademark attorney if they wish to register their trademarks. Also, a patent lawyer can help in cases of dispute arising from infringement and safeguard the business’ trademark from being copied.
Another role of this type of lawyer is to help register your trademark with the USPTO. Notwithstanding, every type of business can benefit from hiring a trademark attorney. A trademark attorney can provide helpful advice on how to protect your brand reputation and identity.
Registering a trademark through an attorney
Several benefits are associated with using a trademark lawyer to protect your brand instead of doing it yourself. One primary reason is the trademark attorney’s expertise and experience. Additionally, though the registration isn’t too tricky, you can benefit from an experienced attorney who can help with the registration process.
A business trademark is how people recognize a business, and a trademark lawyer ensures it is well protected. Using the services of a lawyer ensures the process goes without a hitch and can even help save money and time.
So it is something that you should consider. There are several things that a trademark attorney can help you with.
Some of them include the following.
Brand protection
After getting your trademark, the mark must be registered and filed correctly. This helps in protecting your brand, and you must also create a plan to help monitor your trademark, therefore ensuring that others don’t copy, steal, or develop marks like yours. These are some of the jobs that a trademark attorney performs.
Ensuring that your trademark application is completed on time
Mistakes or errors in your trademark application can cause damage. They can cause delays, allowing others to steal your trademark idea.
This is especially so when you create a new product trademark, or your business becomes operable. Using the services of a trademark attorney ensures that your project is timely done and thus protects your rights.
Ensuring deadlines are met
Trademarks must be re-registered within six years of the trademark registration. After that, it has to be re-registered every ten years.
When you miss the deadline, another business or individual can take your trademark. With the busy nature of an entrepreneur, hiring a trademark attorney ensures that all deadlines are met, allowing them to focus on their business growth.
Help search for similar trademarks
When you create a trademark, you must conduct an in-depth search. This search aims to ensure that your trademark is unique and not the same as others registered.
In the case of too much similarity, your trademark will not be accepted. You can avoid such instances when you hire a trademark attorney since they help you run the initial check.
Save money
Hiring a trademark attorney can help you save money in different ways. It can ensure that there are no mistakes in your paperwork and that it is filled correctly. Filing mistakes and errors can be costly and time-consuming.
Also, if you need to rebrand in the future, you can avoid conflicts or others trying to infringe on your trademark. Again, this is because you have correctly obtained a trademark.
Registering the trademark alone
On the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you will find trademark application directives that show you how to process the application. Sometimes, registering a trademark can be pretty easy, and doing it alone might not result in a problem.
For instance, when your preferred mark or symbol is unique, and the services and goods you intend to register are uncomplicated, you might not have to hire a trademark lawyer.
However, an essential aspect of the trademark process is ensuring that your mark is not used or similar to existing registered trademarks. To ensure this, you’ll need to conduct an in-depth search.
You also have to apply for registration with the suitable class of goods. This ensures that you get the protection you need. There are several classes for goods and services, so there might be mistakes.
Errors can result in a denied application. A reapplication can cost more money and also time. So you have to take note of this when deciding if hiring a trademark lawyer is necessary.
That’s a wrap
Irrespective of your situation and cause, you must understand the several benefits of hiring a trademark attorney. Their significant role is to ensure that your brand is protected by ensuring you have the right trademarks.
Also, a trademark attorney can help you with registration in foreign countries. This is vital if you intend to perform business outside your home country.
However, individual situations might determine if a person should hire a trademark lawyer. Sometimes you might want legal help for your trademark in regard to advertising, marketing, or protection of your trademark from any illegal usage.