The Delhi High Court has asked the NDMC and police to ensure that no commercial activity is allowed on the roads outside the Blind Relief Association near Oberoi Hotel after it was alleged that illegal parking there was causing immense problems to the visually challenged.
A bench of Acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C Hari Shankar also issued notices to the Delhi government, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and the traffic police of the area, seeking status reports on the issue before the next date of hearing on January 24 next year.
The court issued the direction on a letter written by senior advocate Dushyant Dave, seeking its intervention to stop illegal parking and commercial activities carried outside the Blind Relief Association on Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg.
Turning the letter into a public interest litigation (PIL), the bench said that for smooth movement of visually challenged persons, the area needs to be regulated. It asked the NDMC and police to ensure that no commercial activity is allowed on the roads there.
Dave’s letter, received by the high court on October 25, has highlighted the extraordinary problems and miseries faced by the visually challenged persons.
He has said that it was difficult for physically challenged persons to access the bus stop on either side of the road due to the heavy and fast moving traffic.
The association focuses on providing education and training to the visually challenged, enabling them to realise their potential and be self reliant.
His letter complained that the footpath is occupied by illegally parked vehicles in the area.
It said that due to ongoing construction at the hotel, the roads are blocked and barricaded.
“No action is being taken taken by the civil and police authorities to improve the situation including overflow of sewage water near the association,” he said.
The counsel has sought direction to construct an overhead footbridge to enable the visitors to the institute to commute comfortably.
He urged the court to ask the authorities not to allow stoppage of vehicles on road.
( Source – PTI )