In a huge relief for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Delhi High Court on Friday set aside the Election Commission’s notification disqualifying 20 of its MLAs. The court ruled that the Election Commission should hear the plea of the MLAs again.
MLAs were not given a chance to put their point, so now the court has given them a chance to do that. The EC will hear their plea again: Saurabh Bhardwaj, AAP on relief to AAP MLAs. #Delhi
— ANI (@ANI) March 23, 2018
The court has said that this case will be reopened. I had just raised a constitutional issue, there is no setback for me: Prashant Patel, petitioner in the 20 AAP MLAs disqualification case #Delhi
— ANI (@ANI) March 23, 2018
The MLAs who were disqualified by the EC included: Alka Lamba, Adarsh Shastri, Sanjeev Jha, Rajesh Gupta, Kailash Gahlot, Vijendra Garg, Praveen Kumar, Sharad Kumar, Madan Lal Khufiya, Shiv Charan Goyal, Sarita Singh, Naresh Yadav, Rajesh Rishi, Anil Kumar, Som Dutt, Avtar Singh, Sukhvir Singh Dala, Manoj Kumar, Nitin Tyagi and Jarnail Singh.