Interviews Archives - Legal Desire Media and Insights Latest Legal Industry News and Insights Wed, 19 Feb 2025 09:25:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Interviews Archives - Legal Desire Media and Insights 32 32 In Conversation with Dr. T. R. Baggi, Former Director, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Govt. of India, Hyderabad Wed, 19 Feb 2025 06:34:47 +0000 Dr. T. R. Baggi was born, brought up and educated in Hyderabad. He retired as Director, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Govt. of India, Hyderabad in 1995. After retirement he was consultant to AP Forensic Science Laboratory for about 3 years. In 1999 he joined OU Women’s College and helped […]

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Dr. T. R. Baggi was born, brought up and educated in Hyderabad. He retired as Director, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Govt. of India, Hyderabad in 1995. After retirement he was consultant to AP Forensic Science Laboratory for about 3 years. In 1999 he joined OU Women’s College and helped Prof. Srinivas Mohan to start and establish M. Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) programme. In 2000 he was invited by OU to start and establish M. Sc. (Forensic science) programme. He developed the course as one of the best courses on Forensic Science in India. He was also instrumental in starting a Diploma programme in ‘Diploma in Criminology & Correctional Administration’ at Nizam College in 2006. After serving OU for about 14 years as Academic Coordinator for M.Sc. (Forensic Science) programme he has left the Dept. from this academic year to work free-lance. He is now conducting Capsule Courses & CME programmes all over India. He is an Advisor to RBVR Reddy College where Forensic science has been started at degree level from this academic year with tremendous response.

He is a Ph.D. in Applied Analytical Chemistry. He is a student of famous Chemistry Professors of yester years, Prof. J. N. Chatterjea (Coumarines) & Prof. R. N. Chakravarthy (Strychnine) both of whom were students of Nobel Laureate Prof. Sir Robertson of Oxford. Dr. Baggi is a Fellow and the past President of the Institution of Chemists (India). He has more than 60 years of experience in the areas of Applied Analytical Chemistry such as Pharmaceutical Analysis, Environmental Analysis Fuel Analysis, Forensic Chemical Analysis, Toxicological Analysis apart from Laboratory Management and Quality Management, He has about 100 research publications in reputed Indian and foreign journals. Prior to joining CFSL he has worked in the AP State Archives, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. He has been awarded the prestigious President of India Police Medal for meritorious services, H. K. Sen Memorial Medal for Forensic Chemistry and Thaker award for the best research paper, Professional Acheivement Award and Man of the Year Award of American Biographical Institute, USA and Life Time Acheivement Award of Forensic Science Forum, Indian Science Congress. He has been recently conferred with ‘Jewel of India’ award and ‘Vijay Rattan Gold Medal’ for his outstanding achievements. He has also been honored with two other Lifetime Achievement Awards by Indian Society of Toxicology & Legal Desire Media and Insights. He has participated and chaired several sessions of International and National conferences, symposia, seminars etc. He has been honoured by several organizations in the city for his achievements.

He was associated with the investigations of several important cases such as 1974 Suryapet Hooch tragedy, 1993 serial Bombay blasts, Rajiv Gandhi Assassination, FSL blast, RSS Building blast in Chennai. His areas of expertise are fuel analysis, environmental analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, analysis of NDPS, explosives, toxicology, Quality Management and Laboratory management,

He has guided and still guiding Ph.D. research work. He has widely traveled including U.S.A and Canada. He was a Consultant (R&D), A.P. Forensic Science Laboratory. He is on the guest faculty of several Universities, academic and training institutions such as NPA, APPA, HCU, and Medical Colleges. He is an author for the forthcoming book ‘Essentials of Forensic Analytical Toxicology’ being published by CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis, USA. He has contributed a chapter on ‘Explosions and Explosion Injuries’ in a well-known book on Forensic Medicine edited by Prof. Deuskar of Nagpur. Now he has taken up to writing of books of academic interest. He also has contributed a chapter ‘Analytical applications Pyrene in Forensic Science’ in a book ’Pyrene Chemistry, Properties and Uses’ Ed. Charles R. Howe, Pub: Nova Science, USA.

He was the member of several important committees, UPSC and boards of Government of India. He has academic, technical and managerial capabilities. Though retired 29 years ago and now he is 86 years, he is still academically and professionally active. He is a polyglot. He knows Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Sanskrit and German. He is a prolific writer. His articles appear in ‘The Hindu’, ’Times of India, “Tribune’ and ‘Deccan Herald’. He is an active member of INTACH and several social organizations in the city.

  1. What inspired you to join the Forensic domain during those early days? How do you feel about your decision to join the domain now?

From my childhood, due to the influence of my teachers and mentors I always wanted to pursue a career in science. Initially I desired to carry out my studies in zoology. However, after obtaining a degree with zoology (major), due to family issues I was forced to discontinue my education to seek employment. After working for a couple of years in odd jobs, I got a job of my liking as Archival Chemist in 1962. As the circumstances would have it, China war broke out and the post was abolished. Before I was retrenched, I entered RRL (now CSIR-IICT) as a JLA, in a much lower position, just to keep my interest in scientific career. At RRL I got very good mentorship and guidance. While working there I appeared for the Associateship examination of Institution of Chemists, Kolkata, which is recognized as equivalent to M. Sc. Degree in Chemistry, in 1965. Immediately after passing the examination, in April 1966, I joined Synthetic Drugs Plant of the Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., which was the largest drug industry of that time. I set up the laboratories and worked there over nine years, gaining most valuable experience in conventional and instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Side by side, I carried out research work for which I was encouraged.  In 1968 one of my mentors Dr. H. L. Bami left IDPL and joined as Director, CFSL (CBI) at Delhi. I helped him by collecting lot of literature on forensic science, which enhanced my interest in the subject. Right from my school /college days I was interested in detective novels and real crime stories. I read all the books of Sir Arthur Conon Doyle, Agatha Christie, Edgar Wallace, Earl Stanley Gardner and Peter Cheney, James Hadley Chase etc. I also read detective novels in Urdu, Hindi and Marathi such as Teerath Ram Ferozpuri, Ibne Safi, Surender Mohan Pathak Shirvalkar and others. In those days we had no TV and TV shows like CSI etc. Occasionally we could see English / Hindi mystery movies.  All these influenced me to think how science can help solve crimes? As the luck would have it, while in IDPL I got an opportunity to investigate internally the death of some buffaloes with strychnine, a case of contamination of primaquine phosphate with potassium cyanide and a customs case of identification of Chloromycetin and p-amino salicylic acid. In 1974 just like God send, there appeared a UPSC advertisement for two posts of Asst. Directors (Chemistry) at CFSL, Hyderabad & Kolkota.  Dr. K. C. Agarwal who was Asst. Director, CFSL, Hyderabad and who was leaving to join as Director, Gujarat State FSL strongly motivated and encouraged me to apply for the post. I sincerely prepared for the interview for almost nine months and to my surprise I did not get the call letter, as I came to know that they had called only those who were Ph. D. However, in the interview only one person was selected. UPSC decided to call persons who were non-Ph. Ds for a second round of interview for the second post. I received the call and attended the   interview. I was selected for the post and ultimately joined CFSL, Hyderabad on July 24, 1975, fulfilling my dream.  However, there was lot of disappointment, as the CFSL of that time was an apology for a forensic science laboratory in a small rented building, with no infrastructure and basic laboratory facilities. It looked like a match box when compared to the huge sophisticated laboratories of that time like RRL (IICT) and IDPL. Nevertheless, the spirit of never dying enthusiasm helped me to sustain and constantly fight for developing and modernizing the CFSL. Because of the support from my old contacts both at RRL (IICT) and IDPL, we could churn out good case work as well as some research work. Finally, the BPR & D and MHA rose to the occasion and agreed to sanction a modern new building for the CFSL. Thanks to my teacher Prof. T. Navaneeth Rao, Vice Chancellor of Osmania University, who was kind enough to give 20 acres of Osmania University land at Ramanthapur, Hyderabad, on a nominal rent of one Rupee per annum lease for 99 years. On this campus three institutions, CFSL, GEQD (merged with CFSL in 2012) and CDTS (now Central Detective Academy) were constructed and started functioning by 1982. Gradually, with constant representation perseverant approach and convincing persuasion, CFSL could develop as a full-fledged Forensic Science Laboratory of repute, with some basic infrastructure.


  1. As the key person who started the Master’s program in Forensic Science Osmania University, what inspired you to take this step when Forensic education was in infancy at the time?

After my superannuation in 1995 I was academically, professionally and passionately active in the field of Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science. My friend, Dr. K. P. C. Gandhi, who was the Director of AP State Forensic Science Laboratory, invited me in 1997 to join his laboratory as an Honorary Consultant (R&D) in his laboratory, where I worked till June 1999.

In 1999 Prof. Srinivas Mohan of Osmania University Women’s College, Hyderabad invited me to help him set up and start the M. Sc. Analytical Chemistry programme. We established the course and I started teaching the first batch of students. The course is running full stream and going to celebrate its silver jubilee in 2024.

As a Director of CFSL, I was involved in the recruitment process of personnel through UPSC and SSC. Historically three universities (Sagar, Karnataka & Punjabi Universities) were running the Forensic Science courses in combination with criminology under UGC. Later Gujrat Forensic Science University at Gandhi Nagar was started which got upgraded later as Gujarat National Forensic Science University with four branches at Delhi, Goa, Pune and Gauhati. Most of the time forensic science laboratories, with few exceptions, were recruiting pure science students, who were given on the job training, to carry out the forensic work. Most of the recruitment rules did not include M. Sc. (Forensic Science) as a qualification. It was found that the those Universities which were running the Forensic Science courses could not keep abreast with the latest developments both in basic sciences and forensic science, as a result the forensic science candidates  were not able to compete with basic sciences candidates who were preferred for the jobs. In the following decades several state and private universities started the Forensic Science courses, which faced the same stigma. As of now, I am told that there are about 70 Universities / colleges which are running UGC recognized undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programmes, on self-financing basis.

Having worked in IICT, IDPL and CFSL with lot of academic interest and activity myself and Dr. Gandhi at Hyderabad, wanted to start a M. Sc. Programme in Forensic Science, of international standard, which was strong both in basic sciences and advanced forensic science, though it could be little hard for the students. Nevertheless, I prepared a syllabus after studying various international syllabi which were sound both in basic sciences and latest advances in forensic sciences. The course had to therefore take help from pure science and applied science faculties apart from dedicated forensic science faculty. In the year 2000 with the efforts of Dr. Gandhi and Prof. P. S. N. Reddy, the then Head, Dept. of Chemistry, University College of Science, Osmania University, it was decided by Osmania University to start the M. Sc. (Forensic Science) programme. The then, Vice Chancellor of Osmania University, Prof. D. C. Reddy invited me to join the University as Academic Coordinator of the course. The Govt. of AP and Dr. Gandhi were magnanimous enough to allow the course to run in the AP State Forensic Laboratory till the arrangements for an independent building for Forensic Science Department is made in the campus. The course was inaugurated on July 27, 2000. The course was successfully run with the space, laboratory facilities and human resources of APSFSL till May 2002. Support of CFSL, AP State FSL, IICT and CCMB etc., was absolutely essential for running the course . Since I had excellent contacts, academic linkages and rapport with these institutions, the support was readily available.

Meanwhile, Osmania University identified a good existing, independent building with class rooms and laboratory space. Eventually the M. Sc. (Forensic Science) course started functioning in the OU campus building from the academic year 2002 – 2003. I was assisted by two Academic Consultants (teachers) Dr. Astha Pandey (who is now Associate Professor in Gujarat national Forensic Science University)  and other floating individuals, Dr. Avinash Tope/ Mrs. Y. Jyotsana /late Miss. Sri Vidya / Mrs. P. Harika, Sri, Md, Yousuf Ali  and several guest faculty from OU, APFSL, CFSL , IICT and CCMB.

In 2007 Dr. M. S. Rao, Director & CFS, Dept. of Forensic Science, MHA made an effort to harmonize all the syllabi of forensic science courses, in which the syllabus of Osmania University was adjudged as the best and other Universities were advised to revise their syllabi accordingly. To run a multidisciplinary course of this sort help and cooperation of several University Departments is most essential. Additional accommodation of a lecture hall and a laboratory was provided by OU in the adjoining building.

In 2012 two permanent posts of Asst. Professors were sanctioned in which my students Dr. T. Sowmyya and Dr. K. Rama were appointed, who are running the show now.  I left the Forensic Science Unit, Osmania University in May 2014 for personal reasons.

In 2008 I organized and started an evening Diploma course in Criminology and Correctional Administration, under Sociology Department, Nizam College, Hyderabad.

Adding to my passion and enthusiasm to develop Forensic Science in this part of the country, we got excellent students, who could study hard, face challenges and strive for excellence. Every year number of students could qualify in the NET/ UGC/ CSIR Fellowship examinations. As positions in forensic laboratories were scarce, and the design of the course was multidisciplinary, many students could compete well and get jobs not only in FSLs but in other venues such as pharmaceutical industry, teaching, research, FCI and other chemical industries. Many of our students could go abroad for higher studies and they were responsible for raising our course to one of high standard. Usually students who have Master’s degree of Indian Universities have to pursue the Master’s programme again in Universities abroad. As per these regulations our students joined the Master’s programme. However, due to high knowledge level, Universities, condoning the rule promoted our students to Ph. D. programmes, which is a matter of pride for us. Many students competed in the civil services, banks, LIC, software industry etc., they were selected and have achieved high positions. Those students, who entered the research field in India and abroad obtyained Ph. D. degrees and have made excellent and noteworthy contributions to scientific fields.  We have many such success stories of extraordinary performance to tell.

  1. You have seen the transition of the Forensics from under the control of BPR&D which was then transferred to DFSS. What were some of the effects of this transition on the development of Forensics in India?

Actually, the first CFSL was started at Kolkata in 1956 under Central Intelligence Bureau (CIB). Later in 1967 the Hyderabad CFSL was started in 1967 by CIB. In 1974 both the CFSLs came under the administrative control of newly formed organization, Bureau of Police Research & Development, under MHA, Govt. of India. Meanwhile another CFSL (CBI) was established at Delhi in 1967 under the administrative control of CBI. Around 1978, the old Punjab FSL, which was transferred to UT of Chandigarh, was taken over as CFSL (Chandigarh) by BPR&D. Thus BPR & D had three laboratories at Kolkata, Hyderabad & Chandigarh under its control, apart from three Govt. Examiners of Questioned Documents at Kolkata, Hyderabad and Shimla.

 BPR & D was always headed by a senior IPS officer of DGP rank and another senior IPS officer of IG rank under him, designated as Director (R & D) used to be the controlling officer and head of the three CFSLs. The CFSLs were headed, technically, by a Laboratory Director. When the first CFSL was established in 1956, there used to be very heavy load of exhibit work from Central and State Governments. To manage the heavy work load one more CFSL was opened at Hyderabad in 1967. As a policy the MHA, in the meanwhile, had mooted the idea that all the states should have their own state FSLs, for which they provided logistic as well as financial support. As the state laboratories came up, the case work load in both the CFSLs dwindled considerably, by the time the BPR&D took over these two laboratories.  However, the CFSLs (and GEsQD) continued to get some case work from UT’s, Central Departments like railways, postal, explosives, customs, revenue and income tax etc. Under these circumstances, BPR &D has to redefine the role of CFSLs at one point of time, under three heads; (a) Case work (b) Research & Development and (c) Training, briefly given as under:

  • To examine cases received from UTs, Central Govt. organizations and States if any
  • To update and improve the analytical methodology of examination of exhibits, in the light of modern developments in basic sciences, applied sciences and forensic science, in the country and abroad.
  • To carry out research and development work in forensic science by the employees as well as research scholars appointed by BPR&D resulting into research publications and Ph.D. awards.
  • To help the police organizations in developing efficient methods of crime scene investigation and provide field test kits and equipment.
  • To train the state forensic science laboratory personnel in the modern and latest technological methods of forensic examination.
  • To enlighten and train Judicial and police officers about the scientific methods of investigation and their impact on law enforcement and criminal justice administration.
  • To organize lectures, seminars, workshops, symposia and conferences for Forensic Scientists, Judicial officers & Police Officers.
  • To develop linkages with other forensic laboratories, Universities, scientific organizations in the country and abroad for collaborative work.
  • To help the Government to formulate laws and procedures for law enforcement and criminal justice system.

Though the above policy was followed broadly and work carried out accordingly, with several constraints. The main constraints are briefed below:

  • There was a severe bottleneck of lack of infrastructure. Most often the scientists had to outsource the work, be it for sophisticated instruments, special equipment or library etc. When compared to CSIR / ICMR/DRDO/ IARI etc., no such infrastructure or facilities were available,
  • The CFSLs were understaffed, to fulfill the mandate given above. Both the lack of infrastructure and staff would bring frustration and lack of motivation.
  • Frequent transfers of BPR&D officers at the helm of affairs of CFSLs frequently, shifted the priorities of case work / training / research.
  • Some of the officers were not able to comprehend and understand the tremendous advances in forensic science and matching financial investments, and were not able to pursue and get the required infrastructure and human resource.
  • Some of the officers were highly enthusiastic and did contribute to the growth of CFSLs.
  • The rules and procedures of the bureaucratic setup were not congenial to the laboratories, which hampered the development and productivity.

The most important event in the history of CFSLs was visit of a senior defense scientist Dr. Ramachandran, around 1983, as a member of Expert Committee set up by the PMO to assess the requirements of CFSLs. After prolonged presentation by Dr. R. Y. P. Bhatia, the then Director, CFSL, and following discussions, Dr. Ramachandran was quite convinced of our moderate demands and kindly recommended to bring the CFSLs from non-plan to plan purview. The recommendation was immediately accepted and implemented. This decision changed the entire outlook and was responsible to develop the infrastructure and human resources of the laboratory in a big way.

Over a period of time, with ups and down based on the above constraints and views of policy planners, it was opined that the scientific organizations should be headed by scientists so that they can understand the technical issues in the right context and organize the working of CFSLs in an efficient manner, bringing fast development, on par with developed countries.  As per these observations around 1992 the CFSLs were taken out of BPR&D and brought under a new Department of Forensic science under MHA, headed by a Director cum Chief Forensic Scientist.

The initial enthusiasm had to die soon as the Scientists who headed the DFS had worked under a system quite different from the research organizations and they lacked the vision, convincing capacity and leadership which is so important. The DFS works in a bureaucratic set up under a Joint Secretary, MHA, almost under the same conditions as when they were under BPR & D. Under BPR & D, the senior police officers, if convinced and determined, were able to successfully pursue the set objectives and goals, as they are well trained in organization and management. It should be understood that modern Forensic Science is technologically so advanced that it would be almost impossible to run a laboratory on shoe lace budgets and giving peanuts to their scientists. It should be understood that the academic and laboratory culture is so different from the bureaucratic culture. If DFS could have been brought under DST/ CSIR, perhaps we could have seen a change for better. In my opinion we don’t see desirable change in CFLs when removed from BPR&D and brought under the DFS, MHA.

  1. The CFSL Hyderabad was designated as Centre of Excellence for Forensic Chemical Sciences by the Ministry of Home Affairs during your regime. What changes did this bring to the laboratory? What advantages does the Centre of Excellence bring?

During nineties, the BPR&D gave Centre of Excellence status to CFSL Hyderabad in Chemical Sciences, as also to CFSL Kolkata in Biological Sciences and CFSL, Chandigarh in Physical Sciences.  This allocation was based on the achievements of the laboratories and the scientists, in that particular field. At that point of time I modernized the laboratory by installing some sophisticated equipment. I replaced many obsolete methodologies with updated accredited techniques for examination of explosives, narcotic drugs & psychotropic substances and other chemistry oriented examinations. I undertook research work side by side with the help of my colleagues and two research students. We published number of research papers in reputed national and international journals and produced two Ph. Ds. I was able to develop linkages with several laboratories and Universities across India and abroad. During that period several training courses and seminars were organized in CFSL relating to the Forensic Chemistry subjects. I used   to also participate in Seminars & Conferences across the country and give lectures. All these brought a good name to the laboratory and scientists across the country gave it as a referral laboratory and a place of knowledge base. These activities require, apart from your mandatory duties, extra efforts, time, enthusiasm, interest and motivation.

Unfortunately, gradually the status of ‘Centre of Excellence’ came down and the same were denotified. Once a status is given, that needs to be sustained, maintained and allowed to grow in stature. This is possible by continuing to grow the infrastructure, instrumentation, books, literature while recruiting scientists and research scholars of that discipline who have required zeal, enthusiasm and motivation. They should always be prepared to accept challenges in that field. It is a continuous and dynamic process. Any laboratory in the country facings problems should have confidence to look towards you to solve the problems, however difficult they might be, with the existing technologies in the laboratory or in outsourced facility.

  1. There might have been various instances, when you were called for inspecting the crimes scenes by the Police Units. How challenging was it to deal with it apart from the lab work while working in the Forensic Lab?

A successful forensic scientist should be able to visualize the events which have taken place at the scene of crime and reconstruct the same. He / she must be able to foresee what evidences could be found at the scene of crime?  A forensic scientist when called by the police should readily agree to visit the scene and assist the police in collecting the evidence and reconstructing the crime. Every crime scene is unique. No two crime scenes are alike. Every crime scene has to be examined with lot of care, deep knowledge of the subject, logic and perseverance. Forensic Scientist does not visit every crime scene. The police are trained to handle routine cases. In some special cases like explosions, fires and other non-routine cases forensic scientist is called in. Keeping in view adverse circumstances, unfavorable weather conditions, expected attacks, adversaries trying to mislead or destroy evidence, the crime scene investigation should be carried out. Sometimes the forensic scientist has to use his convincing capability to carry out the investigation in a certain direction. In a particular case it took us almost a week to lift the entire explosion debris to sieve and sift for evidence. In one case we urgently needed a magnet to collect the small steel balls from scene of explosion (which were embedded in the IED). We located a nearby radio repair shop in the early hours, got it opened and used two speakers (which have magnets) to collect the steel balls. At another crime scene by smell we could recognize the poisonous vapor and advised the police to flush it down by water hose of a fire engine. Sometimes we have to work for urgent analysis in some other laboratory, for which we should be adept.  As far as possible the forensic scientist has to go to the crime scene with several equipment and gadgets which might be required. In some cases you have to improvise and use whatever is available.

  1. After the laboratory tests at the Forensic Lab, you have been called in the court of law on many instances to testify about a particular case either from the Prosecutor/Defense side. What challenges were encountered by you while giving your opinion in the court? What were some of the misconceptions about the field in the court setting?

Under the Evidence act Section 293  a forensic scientist is normally exempted from court appearance as a witness and his report is accepted as evidence. However when defense lawyer insists and the court feels a forensic scientist can be called as an expert witness.

Expert witness has a different status when compared to a lay witness. A forensic scientist must be aware of mannerism and etiquette of the court. The expert witness is allowed to sit in a chair in the witness box. One must be decently dressed and should exhibit good manners. You should neither be very loud nor too low in tone while addressing the court. Though the questions may be asked by the defense lawyer, you have to address the answers to the court. As an expert witness we are allowed to explain things to court unlike lay witnesses. When the typed statement is finally given to you for checking one has to read and verify its correctness and any mistakes, have to be corrected only in pencil. Any documents or papers asked by the court are to be promptly given. Later the court clerk will give an official receipt for them.

Most of the time the prosecutors put forensic scientists on the witness stand as an expert witness. During the arguments defense lawyer may put several questions which have to be answered clearly and precisely. I had occasion to go to the various courts as expert witness. Initially the defense lawyers try to assess your knowledge, capability and weaknesses. On later occasions they do not ask so many questions when you establish yourselves as a competent expert witness.

Because of telephonic miscommunication between me and a public prosecutor, who did not mention the case / crime number, as I was just then dealing their another case,  I appeared as expert witness with wrong case file. When the case started I was momentarily upset, but I controlled myself and calmly handled the situation with the presence of mind. When the clerk showed me my report from a distance and I was asked whether it was my report? With the pretext of verifying the report and my signature I took it and quickly glanced through it and returned the same to the clerk. In a flash I remembered the details of the case being discussed and could answer all the questions properly.

In many cases they would ask me why I did not use a particular method of analysis. In such cases I would answer that as an expert I thought that the method used by me was most appropriate for the particular case.

Many times they expect yes or no answers. I used to tell the matter has to be explained to clarify it. Some lawyers ask whether one has read a particular book. In that case we would say that on that subject many books are published and we have read more advanced books than that.

  1. Various high-profile cases have been handled by you during the course of the time. handled several sensitive cases such as Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, 1993 Bombay serial bomb blasts and Chennai RSS building blast. How different was that experience to deal with them than that of normal cases? Is there any kind of political pressure involved while dealing with the cases? How did you deal with all this?

The experience in sensitive cases is unique. In these cases one has to be alert and ready 24 X 7 with our team and equipment. In the laboratory we have a photographer and assistants who are well trained in scene of crime operations. They accompanied me in such cases.  In highly sensitive cases many agencies such as state FSL, CBI, IB and local police etc., reach simultaneously. Generally, some senior police officer holds the command and directs and coordinates the operation after a meeting.  As per laid down plan we guide the evidence collection. Once, the evidence is collected, if required emergency analysis is carried out in the nearest laboratory.  The results of preliminary analysis are confirmed later. The preparedness, presence of mind and meticulousness is most important in such cases.

As a forensic scientist, one has to deal with all cases in similar manner methodically as per laid down principles. In so called sensitive cases, there may be some pressure to give the results / opinion urgently. Methods of evidence collection, transmittance to the laboratory and the analysis are all as per standardized protocols. In special cases we can give out of turn priority. No result can be given in hurry. The analytical process requires identification followed by confirmation and sometimes quantification.

Though one case certain threatening calls were received and certain persons were noticed around the laboratory but the matter was reported to local police who handled it appropriately.

In my time, hardly any political pressure was put on me for any case. Occasionally when some persons tried to influence, we curtly dealt with them with the help of security or police.

  1. Most of the professionals working at various Crime Labs across the world are overburdened by the casework. But you managed to indulge into research work and publish numerous abstracts, research & review papers & research projects in spite of all this. How did you make it possible? How important is it to indulge in the research work and collaboration with other persons in the field?

As mentioned earlier, the CFSL inflow of cases had considerably reduced because of the upcoming state laboratories. We had just enough case work to handle with the available staff. I had lot of interest in academics and research. I used to study a lot at home every day and on weekends.  In between, without hampering work we used to carry out research work in piece meal and publish. With the allotment of two Research Fellows to me our research looked upwards and we could publish lot of research papers mostly in international journals. In a planned way research supervisor can guide the students every day for about an hour in lunch time, before or after office hours. Further carrying out research work was also mandatory for us as we were supposed to present papers at conferences held at different places in India.  One has to have passion for research. He / she can find time and resources. We did not have many resources. We took help for instrumentation / library from other helpful organizations. In my view research in forensic laboratory should go hand in hand with case work It sharpens the mind to tackle difficult cases. In fact from some case work we publish papers. We receive cases which cannot be analyzed by standard procedures. In such cases we have to carry out research to solve the case. From this some new methods evolve which can be published. For career enhancement apart from the routine work the research work carried out by the individual is also taken into account.

You may be surprised to know that more than half of my publications are post retirement, when I joined Osmania University. After leaving Osmania University in 2014, I am giving lectures, Webinars, guiding research and publishing papers with my students. It is part of my life and a passion with me.

  1. How different is it to work in an academic setting to that of the lab setting?

In the routine analytical laboratory setting, generally we follow a cook book accredited procedure and give the result within a specified time frame. In exceptional cases we have to sometimes evolve new methods based on our knowledge and the facilities available. In most of the forensic set ups we hardly see the personnel using the library as a routine. Only those who are academic minded and research oriented refer the library or surf the net. Where the case work load is more, hardly there is any time to indulge in library reading. In some of the laboratories in the world the staff is rotated to do research for a fixed period of time taking them out of routine work.

Academic field is always way ahead of routine lab work. Always there is something to learn every day. We can keep our self, abreast of latest technology routinely. Academics sharpen the mind and give the enquiring faculty to the mind. It enables us to solve the problems and interpret the data. Therefore in a routine laboratory if anybody is struck with a problem he /she can take the help of an academician who can solve the problem to help.

  1. For your exemplary contribution to the Forensics field, you might have received various appreciation letters, awards & recognition. What are some of the notable ones?

I am proud but humbled to receive appreciations, awards and medals etc.  Some of which I am giving below and others I have lost track.

  1. Fellowship of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) London, April 2021
  2. President of India Police Medal for Meritorious Services, August 1995
  3. Fellow of Institution of Chemists (India), 1983
  4. Life Time Achievement Award for Forensic Science, ISC, Pune 2000
  5. Life Time Achievement Award for Forensic Toxicology, ITS, Cochin 2017
  6. Jewel of India Award, Indian Solidarity Council, Delhi, 2015
  7. Vijay Rattan Gold Medal , International Institute of Education & Management, Delhi, 2015
  8. N. Dutta Medal for Forensic Chemistry, Institution of Chemists, Kolkata, 1995
  9. Thakkar Award for Best Research paper , Institution of Chemists, Kolkata, 1995
  10. Citation in American Biographical Institute
  11. International Organization of Scientific Research Award for a paper 2013


  1. Having dealt with various cases and consulted many LEAs in your career, was there any moment when the work might have affected your personal life? What are some of the tips to balance the professional and personal life?

Right from my younger days I was used to have a very busy schedule devoted to lab work, reading and research.  When I was at IDPL I was permitted to do research work after office hours. I used to leave home at 07:00 AM and come back home at 11:00 PM at least for a couple of years. After the general shift around 05:00 PM, I used to continue in B shift for my research work till 10:00PM. After joining CFSL I used to carry out my research work on weekends. I submitted my thesis to Patna University, under the guidance of an eminent professor, Prof. J. N. Chatterjea, who was the student of Prof. Sir Robert Robinson, a Nobel Laureate of Oxford. I took leave in spells and completed the attendance requirements of the University. I was awarded the Ph. D. degree in 1984.

I carefully planned the time management and managed the lab work, research, study, guidance and professional relationships. When in CFSL there used to be many official tours, which kept me away from home. In these academic and professional achievements, it is true that I could not give full attention to the family. Thanks to my wife and other family members who helped me. I am guilty of not looking after the education of my children well; nevertheless, they did moderately well and came up in life. However major responsibilities were fulfilled by me with the help of my wife. I tried to be with my family, parents and other relatives when essentially my presence was required.

I think an active person by proper planning and time management could perform multiple tasks and responsibilities by sharing or delegating the responsibilities. For this one should be considerate and helpful to others to expect their reciprocation.

  1. It has been noted that a Forensic Laboratory receives an enormous amount of case exhibits for examination, thus creating a backlog of cases. How did you address this issue while working as the Head of the Laboratory? What approaches are required to clear the existing backlog and ensure that backlog don’t occur which reduce the delay in the criminal trials?

As mentioned earlier, our case work load was not so much when compared to State FSLs. Occasionally we had some rush of cases. By proper planning, applying modern case management procedures, providing modern infrastructure and additional helping hands, and sometimes putting people on overtime on holidays we were able to tackle the situation. Generally the cases were cleared in one month. Urgent cases were dealt on priority basis.

In the forensic set up of the country, there is one faulty management, which keeps the flow of toxicological cases very high which results into pendency. As a rule the Forensic pathologist or autopsy surgeon who carries out the post mortem is supposed to use his/her discretion while sending viscera and other specimens for chemical examination to forensic science laboratory. While examination of the body, autopsy and other evidence recovered they should make an assessment and take a decision whether the viscera and other samples are to be sent for chemical examination. This practice is routinely followed abroad, where the cases of suspected poisoning are only sent to forensic laboratories. Here, in India every case like traffic accident, hanging, drowning, electrocution are sent to forensic laboratories for examination of poisoning, increasing the case work load tremendously. It may be noted that an analysis of general unknown poison, which is negative most of the time, takes more time and resources. As per a rough estimate hardly 20% cases are positive and the rest are negative. If initial screening based on pathological and preliminary examination is carried out and only such cases which are suspected of poisoning are sent to FSLs, there will be lot of reduction of inflow of cases. Indirectly, this will reduce the pendency. Further a detailed work study is done to assess requirement of staff and the infrastructure, and accordingly these are provided it will take care of the case work load optimally and reduce the pendency. In case pendency arises in other divisions it could be dealt accordingly.


  1. You were the founder member of the National Accreditation Board for Forensic Science Laboratories. What were your responsibilities in this role? How important is it for a Forensic Lab in India to get the NABL accreditation?

The accreditation activity in various fields in the country is guided and managed by Department of Science & Technology. In 90s it was thought to establish a National Accreditation Board for Forensic Science Laboratory. A committee of experts was set up and I was nominated as a Member. We had to work within the parameters of the guideline provided by DST.

Generally my role was to set standards for Chemical Sciences, toxicology and crime scene investigation.  It had to be borne in mind that forensic analysis was not like any other applied analysis such as drugs & pharmaceuticals, food, beverages etc. The forensic samples received were not pure samples. They could be contaminated, adulterated, admixed, camouflaged, decomposed or putrefied. The quantity of the forensic samples varies from traces to bulk. The analytical methodology applied would depend on the nature of the sample and quantity received. It was impressed upon DST that for forensic work a single technique or methodology cannot be applied uniformly. However for routine samples the guidelines and specifications were drawn appropriate to Indian conditions, as all laboratories do not have the same infrastructure and same facilities. Therefore in the guidelines, minimum, desirable and ideal requirements were given. The desirable qualifications for the laboratory personnel were given. It was stressed that for routine cases harmonized procedures should be followed for analysis. In special cases deviations from prescribed procedures were allowed stating the valid reasons. NABL documentation is very important about which recommendations were given. Some part was devoted to standardization and calibration of equipment which is very vital. After several meetings and prolonged discussion finally the Guidelines were approved and published.

For giving accreditation a Committee of experts was formed every time, which would visit the laboratory and inspect everything minutely and ensure that all the prescribed parameters are met. Once the NABL accreditation is received, provision for periodical inspection and assessment was kept for continued quality assurance. CFSL, Hyderabad was the first NABL accredited laboratory in the country.  However, most of the forensic laboratories in the country are not accredited for want of infrastructure, finances and human resource. As for as I know, it has not been made mandatory. If it is made mandatory, then the reports of non-accredited laboratories may not be accepted by the courts. If every laboratory is to be accredited the Government has to allocate huge funds in a recurring manner, which does not seem to materialize in near future.

To bring credibility and quality assurance in the forensic field accreditation should be mandatory. As of now each laboratory has its own procedures of analysis, which may have several deficiencies. In principle, the results reported should be reliable, reproducible, precise and accurate. The comparison of efficiencies of the laboratories can be carried out meaningfully, by ‘Proficiency Testing’ if every laboratory is NABL accredited. In the interest of justice the accreditation plays an important role.

  1. Having worked for more than 5 decades in the Forensics Domain, do you still wish to contribute to this domain? How? 

I am passionate about the development of Forensic Science in India. To the extent feasible, with in the limitation I have contributed to it to the best of my knowledge and capacity.  In my efforts most of my co-professionals, students, judicial officers, police officers and others have given me full support and cooperation. As I have seen Forensic Science from practicing and academic angle, I am entitled to express my feelings for the overall benefit of the interesting science. I have written several articles in newspapers like The Hindu, Times of India, Deccan Herald and Tribune etc., highlighting the issues affecting the growth of Forensic Science in the country. I foresee that India should demonstrate excellence in Forensic Science as in some other fields and should not look towards other nations for help, as we have seen in Sunanda Pushkar case. If proper facilities and infrastructure is given Indian Forensic scientists could become second to none. Though I am aging, with several geriatric problems, I am academically and professionally active to guide, advise, lecture, participate and write in the media to showcase Forensic Science in the proper perspective. In 2015 I organized and planned and started a B. Sc. (Forensic Science) course at RBVR Reddy College for Women, Hyderabad. Similarly I am helping Mallareddy, University, Hyderabad to run a B. Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science course from the academic year (2020- 2021). I have been giving Webinars on Forensic topics to these colleges and several other Universities / Colleges across the country.


The post In Conversation with Dr. T. R. Baggi, Former Director, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Govt. of India, Hyderabad appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

In Conversation with Pooja Rawal, Vice President-Global IP Filings at Aumirah Tue, 17 Dec 2024 11:37:27 +0000 Pooja Rawal, Vice President of Global IP Filing at Aumirah, has been at the forefront of empowering startups, MSMEs, and entrepreneurs to protect their innovations on a global scale. At Aumirah, she leads business development and client relationships, working closely with trailblazing Indian startups like Genrobotic innovations, Fabheads Automation, and Inito, as well as established […]

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Pooja Rawal, Vice President of Global IP Filing at Aumirah, has been at the forefront of empowering startups, MSMEs, and entrepreneurs to protect their innovations on a global scale. At Aumirah, she leads business development and client relationships, working closely with trailblazing Indian startups like Genrobotic innovations, Fabheads Automation, and Inito, as well as established giants such as Symphony, Thejo Engineering, and Resil Chemicals. With extensive experience managing IP filings across jurisdictions including the USA, Europe, Russia, Japan, and Australia, Pooja has played a pivotal role in guiding companies toward achieving their IP goals while fostering collaborative ecosystems to drive innovation. In this insightful conversation with Anuj Kumar, Founder of Legal Desire, Pooja shares her perspectives on the evolving challenges and opportunities in global IP protection, offering valuable guidance for businesses aspiring to scale internationally. Here’s the interview:

Could you tell us about your role at Aumirah and what excites you the most about working with MSMEs, startups, and entrepreneurs on their global IP needs?

My primary role at Aumirah involves developing overseas business where we help Indian clients secure IP globally. This involves guiding and assisting clients in making right choice of countries, identifying ways to minimize costs while maximising protection. The most exciting part of working with MSME’s start-ups and entrepreneurs is firstly learning about how young India is solving complex problems in various fields in the most innovative manner, and being able to contribute to the change they are  bringing by assisting them in their IP and legal matters. So, we at Aumirah are personally committed to bring about a positive change in the world through the companies we work closely with.

With your extensive experience in managing global IP filings, what are some of the key challenges Indian companies face when seeking IP protection in international markets?

 The Indian start up ecosystem is still evolving and the biggest challenge or barrier to seeking IP protection globally is the funds required to file and maintain patents globally. Another challenge that I see as even more crucial is that very often companies are unsure of countries where they must exert their IP rights. Also, Indian companies are not very well aware of the way IP works in different countries and hence are fully dependent on their service providers for taking such decisions. I feel there is a need to educate Indian clients on the choices and rights they have as applicants in different countries so that they are able to take well informed decisions.

For a startup or MSME looking to expand internationally, what are the key factors they should consider when planning their global IP strategy?

Global IP strategy is a visionary decision that a company may have to take in an early stage even before the product/technology has been tested in the home country. Keeping this in mind, the global IP fraternity has designed many provisions that allow companies sufficient time to test their IP in home country , raise sufficient funds , build systems and then go global. Choice of countries is a decision that must take into account several factors such as – product type and its potential market, potential competitor base, potential areas for collaboration and to set up manufacturing facility, time required for patent to be granted, level of enforcement of IP in specific area, total cost for securing and maintaining a patent and of course the vision and mission of the company .

How has Aumirah been able to assist Indian companies in realizing their IP goals, and what role does effective client engagement and relationship management play in that success?

I am happy and proud to say that we at Aumirah share a special bond with each of our clients, where we aren’t just service providers, rather we like to be an extension of their R&D team, helping them secure their innovative ideas, provide inputs crucial to their IP and largely help the management take the right decisions on IP and legal matters. So there are different ways in which the team interacts and contributes such as -helping clients identify core IP that must be protected, draft strong and enforceable patents that actually provide the required protection & market monopoly and lastly suggest all possible ways to save cost and time . We at Aumirah believe in educating our clients on IP matters , so that they are aware of their rights and options at all times. We try to keep our clients well informed on their IP at all times and also set them free to focus on other aspects of business such research, marketing and  sales.

In your experience, what are some of the common mistakes companies make when filing for IP protection internationally, and how can they avoid these pitfalls?

The most common mistake is not considering the full cost for securing and maintaining an IP and considering the initial filing cost only. I have seen companies filing extensively and abandoning IPs due to increasing cost in future. So, a well informed decision must be taken considering all factors including the companies broad vision, potential markets and the full cost to be incurred. It is a good idea to understand how IP works in different countries and take an expert advice before filing globally. Secondly, many a times prosecution is not handled properly leading to multiple office actions adding up to the overall cost and time for grant. There are ways in which prosecution cost time can be shortened and companies must adopt those ways.

You’ve also played a key role in connecting Aumirah’s clients with one another to solve business problems. How has fostering this ecosystem contributed to their overall success and growth?

A large number of our clients are Start-ups that share same kind of challenges, vision and also have the same spirit when it comes to innovation and implementation . So, connecting clients facilitates knowledge sharing where every company/ entrepreneur benefits from experiences and learnings of others. This way we are able to build a close network of goal oriented individuals that are focused on provide solutions to complex problems in the most affordable and efficient manner. 

What trends do you see emerging in the global intellectual property landscape, particularly in markets like the USA, Russia, and Australia, where you’ve handled filings?

There has always been an interest in securing IP in US and European Union . Other countries where I see growing interest are – Australia, UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia and South East Asia

As an IP expert, what advice would you give to startups and entrepreneurs who are just beginning to navigate the complexities of intellectual property protection on a global scale?

I would like to say that for every business IP should not be the at the core , rather it can be a fence that protects the core idea/ innovation . So it’s absolutely important to firstly identify the core IP, have a strong patent on it whose goal should not be just grant , but no one should be able to work around the patent claims easily .One strong  patent is better than having multiple weak patents, so the focus has to be on quality. Also since technology changes fast and there will be several modifications in the innovation, this aspect must also be addressed while drafting the patent claims. In a nutshell,  a strong patent on core idea will give protection in the long run.

How do you approach client education on the importance of IP, especially for startups and MSMEs that may not fully understand the long-term value of intellectual property protection?

There has been increasing awareness about importance of IP, although there is a need for greater understanding of how IP can be monetised or used to attain market monopoly. We at Aumirah  try to explain this with the help of use cases . Aumirah weekly articles and newsletters aim at bringing such awareness . We routinely  conduct webinars and IP clinics to spread such awareness.

With increasing technological advancements, how do you see the future of intellectual property evolving, particularly with regard to digital platforms, AI-driven inventions, and other emerging technologies?

The importance of IP and its enforcement has become even more crucial considering the fact that our lives are no more private and almost all information about companies and individuals is available on some kind of digital platform.  There will be a need for stricter laws to prevent misuse of IP , however the very first step for it is to file IP. So, I can see the need for intellectual property increasing with lot more focus on copyright protection.

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In Conversation with Dr Judyta Latymowicz, Co-founder of LEGALLY.SMART Wed, 11 Dec 2024 08:33:01 +0000 Dr. Judyta Latymowicz is a co-founder and partner at LEGALLY.SMART law firm, heading the India Desk and serving as co-chair of the Polish Division of the Indian National Association of Legal Professionals (INALP). She is the exclusive IR Global advisor for Commercial Law in Poland and holds leadership roles such as Co-Chairperson of the Indo-Polish […]

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Dr. Judyta Latymowicz is a co-founder and partner at LEGALLY.SMART law firm, heading the India Desk and serving as co-chair of the Polish Division of the Indian National Association of Legal Professionals (INALP). She is the exclusive IR Global advisor for Commercial Law in Poland and holds leadership roles such as Co-Chairperson of the Indo-Polish Film and Cultural Forum and President of the Supervisory Board of the WICCI Poland-India Foundation. A member of the Warsaw Bar Association since 2013, Dr. Latymowicz specializes in civil, corporate, and commercial law, providing comprehensive legal services to domestic and international clients in Poland and advising Polish businesses expanding to South Asia, particularly India. Dr. Latymowicz holds a law degree from the University of Warsaw and an MA and Ph.D. in Oriental Studies, focusing on India and Bangladesh. She also graduated from the European Academy of Diplomacy with a specialization in foreign service. Combining her academic and legal expertise, she works on multinational transactions involving diverse jurisdictions. Recognized as a Rising Star Lawyer in 2022 and one of Poland’s Top 25 Women Lawyers in Business by Forbes in 2023, she is also an academic lecturer and trainer in South Asian business culture. In 2023 she also received Dr. Sarojini Naidu International Award for Working Women in India.

Here’s a conversation between Judyta and Anuj Kumar, Founder of Legal Desire Media, exploring Judyta’s journey, expertise, and experience.

  1. Could you provide a brief overview of your academic and professional journey, leading up to your current role as a co-founder and partner at LEGALLY.SMART?

My academic journey began with a MA on India at the University of Warsaw, followed by a MA in Law at the same institution started one year later. Around the same time, as part of a scholarship, I attended and graduated from the EAD (European Academy of Diplomacy) with a focus on foreign service, all of which I managed to complete with honours and great satisfaction. Subsequently, I decided to pursue a legal career as an advocate by passing exams and joining the Warsaw Bar of Advocates. Additionally, I obtained a Ph.D. with a specialisation in India, which formed a great opportunity to conduct multiple legal researches in India. Throughout my professional path, my main focus has primarily been on supporting businesses and commercial laws, while striving to combine academic knowledge with a practical approach grounded in the experience I have gained through international projects. Importantly, it has always been clear to me how pivotal India would become in the global market, so at a certain point my partners and I decided to establish a law firm with dedicated practice to providing high-level, professional assistance with special practice for both Indian clients and those seeking to expand their operations in Indian market. Today, our dedicated International Desk successfully serves as a vital resource for a number of businesses navigating the complexities of cross-border transactions, regulatory compliance, and market entry strategies in Poland and abroad.

  1. What areas of law do you specialize in, particularly within civil, corporate, and commercial law with a focus on contract law?

I focus on providing comprehensive legal services designed to meet the needs of businesses in both domestic and international markets. As you noticed, my expertise lies primarily in civil, corporate, and commercial/business laws, where I concentrate on anticipating my clients’ needs, solving their problems, and supporting their growth while ensuring compliance with local legal standards.

My goal is to help businesses structure agreements that protect their interests, minimize risks, and align with their strategic objectives. For companies seeking to expand or enter new markets, I offer tailored legal guidance to navigate the complexities of market entry, addressing all legal, regulatory, and commercial considerations.

By integrating legal expertise with a practical understanding of business operations, I help clients overcome complex legal challenges and capitalize on opportunities in both local and global markets.

  1. Share insights into the special department at LEGALLY.SMART dedicated to international clients. How does the firm cater to the legal needs of multinational clients doing business in and with Poland?

At LEGALLY.SMART we understand that international clients face unique challenges and cultural differences when conducting operations in and with Poland. Our dedicated team is focused on addressing their specific needs, ensuring that they navigate the Polish legal, business but also cultural landscape with ease and confidence. Our offer includes market entry guidance, where we assist them with adapting strategies best tailored to the local conditions. Our team consists not only of lawyers and tax advisors but also interpreters, cultural specialists, and industry experts to serve our clients better. We take a helicopter view of the client’s plans or projects to identify their needs and provide the best possible assistance.

Additionally, we provide thorough legal compliance support, helping clients to understand and obey the Polish laws and regulations across various sectors. This includes, among others, compliance with corporate governance, tax obligations, labor laws, and industry-specific regulations. Furthermore, our expertise in contract law ensures that clients have solid agreements in place to protect their interests. Our attention helps to mitigate risks and fosters trust in business relationships, allowing our international clients to operate with greater security and confidence on a foreign market.

  1. As the head of India Desk, could you shed light on your role in fostering business relations between India and Poland?

My mission is to bridge the gap between the Polish and Indian markets while maximizing their day-to-day cooperation. Our primary focus is on fostering long-term partnerships that create a dynamic environment for business growth and mutual benefit.

As the head of India Desk at the law firm, my role involves facilitating and enhancing business relations through strategic guidance and tailored support for Polish and Indian clients planning to expand their operations abroad. In cooperation with Indian partners, we provide comprehensive assistance to clients conducting business in both Poland and India, including – just to give you an example – a company setup (as well as advising on location etc), structuring tax strategies, drafting agreements, protecting intellectual property and handling employment matters.

In addition to these services, we actively promote and participate in business events and conferences that underscore the immense potential for cooperation between the two nations. By organizing and engaging in these initiatives, we not only foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures but also create valuable opportunities for networking and collaboration, further strengthening the ties between Poland and India.

  1. What potential opportunities and challenges do you see for businesses from both countries in enhancing collaboration? 

When it comes to opportunities, mutual access to vast markets is a significant advantage for businesses in both nations. To name a few examples Poland’s robust manufacturing and technology sectors, expertise in food processing and mining technology, as well as advanced green energy know-how align seamlessly with India’s rapidly growing market and its commitment to digital transformation, energy innovation and technological development. The Indian economy has flourished over the past decade, with remarkable indicators of its growth. Currently, India is also the fifth-largest consumer market, but it is expected to become the third-largest by 2026, overtaking Germany and Japan. This transformation is being fueled by a rapidly expanding middle class.

Polish businesses can capitalize on India’s dynamic markets, while Indian entrepreneurs investing in Poland gain a strategic gateway to the European Union, with access to nearly 450 million consumers. Both countries also benefit from strong pools of skilled talent, creating opportunities for collaboration in areas such as IT services, artificial intelligence, and engineering. India’s substantial demand for infrastructure development offers Polish companies with expertise in construction, engineering, and smart-city solutions a lucrative avenue for growth. Furthermore, the growing cooperation between India and Poland fosters cultural exchange, promoting a deeper understanding of each market’s unique needs and enhancing the success of future partnerships. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Poland reflects a promising step towards strengthening mutual cooperation.

However, certain challenges must be addressed. Navigating regulatory and compliance frameworks can be a significant hurdle for companies unfamiliar with each other’s legal landscapes. Additionally, cultural and communication differences may require careful management, especially regarding negotiation styles and organizational practices. Discrepancies in business expectations, such as timelines and flexibility, can also affect project efficiency and outcomes.

To overcome these challenges, building partnerships based on mutual understanding and adaptability is essential. By addressing these gaps, businesses from both nations can unlock substantial potential for long-term and mutually beneficial collaboration.

  1. How do you assist Polish businesses in establishing their presence in India?

What sets us apart in the market is our ability to provide comprehensive support to Polish businesses aiming to expand into India. Our services begin with preliminary consultations to explore market entry opportunities. We then assist in selecting the most suitable business model and strategies, tailored to align with India’s local market conditions. From there, we guide clients through the entire company setup process and ensure post-establishment compliance.

Our expertise in Polish and Indian regulations, documentation specifics, and procedures across both jurisdictions, coupled with our understanding of market demands and business culture, enables us to effectively navigate the complexities of doing business in India. By maintaining close cooperation with Indian partners, including expert firms and institutions, we provide solutions that ensure compliance with local regulations, anticipate market trends, and facilitate smoother market entry.

This holistic approach not only accelerates the establishment process but also supports the long-term success of Polish projects in India by minimizing risks and fostering sustainable growth.

  1. For Indian businesses intending to establish a presence in Poland, what legal services and support does LEGALLY.SMART offer to ensure a smooth entry into the Polish market?

Much like our approach to supporting businesses entering the Indian market, we provide Indian clients with comprehensive legal and advisory services tailored to their specific needs. Our cooperation typically begins with detailed discussions about Poland’s local market conditions and the regulations relevant to the client’s sector. This ensures we offer strategic guidance aligned with the unique demands of the Polish market.

We then move on to the practical aspects of market entry, assisting clients at every stage. Our services include overseeing the search for suitable office spaces, warehouses, or other facilities in collaboration with specialized real estate firms. We handle the preparation and submission of all necessary legal documents and provide general legal consultancy to help navigate regulatory frameworks.

In addition, we offer in-depth advisory services on taxation, current investment incentives, and strategies for developing the most advantageous business models. Our support extends beyond company registration; we assist businesses during the post-registration phase, addressing operational and legal challenges to ensure a smooth transition and sustained growth in Poland.

Recognizing the importance of a tailored approach, we also provide guidance on employment matters, regulatory compliance, immigration law, and cultural integration. These services are aimed at helping Indian businesses establish meaningful and long-lasting operations in Poland. By managing legal and procedural complexities, we enable our clients to concentrate on their core business objectives while seamlessly integrating into the Polish economic environment.

  1. How would you characterize the current investment climate for Polish businesses in India? Are there any recent developments or trends that businesses should be aware of?

The investment climate for Polish businesses in India is highly promising, with significant growth potential in sectors such as IT, energy, food processing, technology, and smart-city solutions. India’s economy is projected to grow by 6.7% in FY 2024-25, with an annual GDP growth rate of 6.4%. This economic momentum underscores India’s progress toward its ambitious goal of becoming a US$ 5 trillion economy, offering a robust foundation for foreign investments. Government initiatives such as “Make in India” and “Digital India” are designed to attract foreign investors, particularly in manufacturing and technology—areas that align well with Poland’s expertise.

Polish investments in India and interest in the Indian market continue to grow. The Indian government’s regulatory reforms and investment incentives have created a more attractive environment for foreign businesses. Additionally, the strengthening India-Poland strategic partnership, supported by recent agreements like the social security agreement, is streamlining trade and facilitating easier market access. These efforts aim to create a business-friendly atmosphere that encourages foreign investment and simplifies operational processes for businesses.

However, challenges persist, including navigating India’s complex regulatory framework and bridging cultural differences.

Initiatives such as the Joint Economic Commission for Economic Cooperation (JCEC), joint meetings, and bilateral agreements are focused on simplifying processes and fostering collaboration in high-priority sectors. Local governments in India are also adapting investment offerings to attract foreign businesses, especially in manufacturing.

While challenges remain, India’s pro-business reforms and focus on high-growth sectors such as green energy and technology create a welcoming environment for Polish businesses. Building local partnerships and understanding the regulatory landscape will be key to success. 

  1. Based on your experiences, what advice would you offer to businesses seeking to explore opportunities in each other’s markets? Are there key legal strategies for successful cross-border ventures? 

My key advice for businesses looking to explore opportunities in each other’s markets is to ensure thorough preparation and a solid understanding of the local landscape, culture and business environment. This means taking the time to learn about local specifics, consumer preferences, and the broader economic context, as these factors can significantly impact business success. It’s also crucial to build a skilled dedicated team and select the appropriate partners to successfully navigate the complexities of the new market. Creating a tailored strategy that considers the unique aspects of the market is essential for achieving success. To facilitate this, regular travel and visits to the target country are of fundamental importance.

When exploring business opportunities in each other’s markets, Polish and Indian companies should prioritize building strong local networks. Such interactions not only provide valuable insights into the market dynamics and cultural nuances that are often overlooked but also help build essential relationships with local partners. Establishing these connections helps to create trust, facilitate day to day operations, and ensure long-term success.

In terms of building the optimal strategy, it is usually best to entrust this task to experts who have a deep understanding of the market. They know how to navigate its complexities and can identify key factors to consider in advance. With their professional support, businesses can more effectively anticipate challenges, seize opportunities, and ultimately enhance their chances of success in the foreign market.

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In Conversation with Tushar Gulati, Vice President – Strategy & Business Development at Aumirah Wed, 02 Oct 2024 07:06:33 +0000 Tushar Gulati is the Vice President – Strategy & Business Development at Aumirah. With over 15 years of experience, he specializes in Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Business Development, and Operations. He has been instrumental in driving corporate growth and establishing strategic alliances for Aumirah, focusing on innovation, client engagement, and expanding the firm’s presence across global […]

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Tushar Gulati is the Vice President – Strategy & Business Development at Aumirah. With over 15 years of experience, he specializes in Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Business Development, and Operations. He has been instrumental in driving corporate growth and establishing strategic alliances for Aumirah, focusing on innovation, client engagement, and expanding the firm’s presence across global markets. His expertise spans across sectors like corporate law, technology, and emerging areas such as Web3 and digital assets. Tushar’s in-depth understanding of complex legal landscapes and business strategy makes him a key leader in fostering Aumirah’s expansion and growth initiatives. Read here exclusive conversation with him about his journey, expertise and experiences:


Q: You’ve had over 15 years of experience in strategy and business development. Can you tell us about your career journey and how you ended up at Aumirah?

I’ve been on quite a journey over the past 15 years, navigating various industries and wearing different hats, each one adding a unique layer to my professional experience. It all started when I co-founded, where I got hands-on experience in understanding markets, operational efficiency, and strategic planning. I was thrown into the deep end, but that’s where I learned to swim, identifying growth opportunities and developing solutions to complex business problems.

After Netshiksha, I took on roles that allowed me to lead diverse teams, drive strategic initiatives, and foster meaningful partnerships. These experiences broadened my perspective, making me realize the importance of sustainable business models and innovation as catalysts for long-term success.

I joined Aumirah because it felt like a natural progression. My passion for strategy and business development aligned perfectly with the company’s mission to drive growth in competitive markets. I saw an opportunity to contribute my experience in a meaningful way, especially in navigating the ever-evolving business landscapes and seizing new opportunities. Being at Aumirah allows me to leverage my background to create tangible value for the firm and its clients.


Q: What are some of the key responsibilities in your role at Aumirah, and how do you ensure alignment with the firm’s long-term goals?

As the Vice President of Corporate Law & Business Development at Aumirah, my role goes beyond just ticking off daily tasks. I’m deeply involved in shaping the company’s strategic direction and steering it toward long-term success. This means I wear multiple hats, identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, nurturing critical partnerships, and spearheading market expansion initiatives.

I work closely with all teams to develop strategic initiatives that are not only aligned with our financial objectives but also with our vision for sustainable growth. This involves assessing market trends, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities that could position Aumirah ahead in the industry. 

To maintain alignment with our long-term goals, I emphasize open communication and continuous collaboration across departments. Moreover, I continually monitor performance metrics, both qualitative and quantitative, to assess progress and make adjustments where necessary. This way, we can be proactive in adapting strategies to maintain a competitive edge while staying true to our long-term objectives


Q: With over 15 years of experience in business development, how has the corporate law landscape evolved?

With over 15 years in business development, I’ve seen a lot of changes in corporate law. One big shift is the way companies now operate globally. As businesses expand across countries, they face different rules and regulations, making it important to follow international laws, like GDPR for data protection.

Another key change is the focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Companies aren’t just focused on making profits anymore, they’re also expected to be socially responsible, which adds new legal and ethical challenges.

Technology has also played a huge role in changing corporate law. The rise of digital platforms, AI, and the need for data privacy and cybersecurity have transformed how businesses work and how legal processes are handled. Laws in these areas are always changing, so companies need to stay flexible.

In short, corporate law has become more global, tech-focused, and concerned with sustainability. For business development, this means adapting strategies to keep up with these changes and spotting new opportunities as they arise.


Q: Corporate governance plays a critical role in business success. What are the key corporate governance issues faced by businesses today, especially those in the technology sector?

In today’s fast-changing business world, corporate governance is really important, especially for tech companies. It’s not just about following the rules anymore; it’s about handling big challenges. Some of the key issues businesses face today are:

  • Data Privacy and Security: Protecting customer data and staying safe from cyber threats.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Antitrust Issues: Making sure the company follows laws and avoids monopolistic practices.
  • Ethical Use of AI and Emerging Technologies: Using new technology like AI in a way that’s fair and responsible.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Safeguarding a company’s ideas, patents, and innovations.
  • Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): Being environmentally and socially responsible.

Balancing all these things is essential for keeping a company’s reputation strong and ensuring long-term success.


Q: What are the unique IP challenges faced by Web3 companies, especially when it comes to digital assets, smart contracts, and decentralized applications?

Web3 companies face a unique set of challenges when it comes to intellectual property (IP), largely because of the decentralized nature of blockchain technology.

One of the biggest challenges is ownership of digital assets, like NFTs. While NFTs can show ownership of a digital item, it doesn’t always mean the owner has the rights to use or reproduce the content. This can create confusion and disputes about how the asset can be used commercially.

Smart contracts, which are automatic agreements on the blockchain, add complexity to licensing. Since they are coded to follow certain rules, any mistakes in the code can cause problems or make it hard to enforce the terms of the agreement.

Decentralized applications (dApps) often use open-source software with specific licenses. Companies need to be careful to follow these licenses, or they might lose their rights or face legal issues.

Protecting trademarks is also tough in a decentralized system. For example, unauthorized use of logos or fake NFTs can happen across different regions, and it’s hard to control and enforce IP rights globally.

Because blockchain works without borders, it’s tricky to enforce IP rights across different countries with their own laws. It’s hard to pinpoint where a violation happens, which adds to the difficulty.

These challenges show the tension between traditional IP laws and the decentralized world of Web3. As the space evolves, companies will need creative ways to protect their IP while dealing with these uncertainties.


Q: How do you differentiate between the legal requirements for Centralised vs Decentralised exchanges when structuring token offerings?

CEXs (Centralised exchanges) are highly regulated and need to follow strict rules, like registering as money transmitters and complying with securities laws. They must also implement Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures to ensure safe trading. Tokens listed on CEXs are carefully reviewed to determine if they are considered securities, and if they are, the issuer has to meet strict requirements like filing detailed documents. CEXs are also responsible for protecting investors by providing clear information about risks, fees, and trading conditions, and they have systems in place for handling disputes and fraud.

On the other hand, DEXs (Decentralised exchanges) operate without a central authority and don’t follow the same strict regulations as CEXs. They usually don’t require KYC checks, which makes them more accessible, but this also creates legal grey areas and increases the risk of non-compliance with regulations. Issuers find it easier to launch tokens on DEXs since there are fewer regulatory hurdles, but the lack of clear rules can lead to legal issues in the future. Additionally, DEXs don’t have the same reporting obligations, so traders are responsible for tracking their own transactions and handling tax requirements, which can be challenging for both issuers and investors.

In a nutshell, CEXs are more regulated and secure, while DEXs offer more flexibility but come with higher legal risks.


Q: How does Aumirah approach arbitration and dispute resolution for blockchain companies?

Dispute resolution in the blockchain space is still a relatively uncharted territory. At Aumirah, we’ve developed a comprehensive strategy that combines the strengths of traditional arbitration with the unique capabilities of blockchain technology. Our approach is designed to provide clear, efficient, and enforceable solutions, even in this rapidly evolving landscape.

  • As Smart contracts are at the heart of many blockchain projects. We encourage clients to use smart contracts for automating the execution of agreements. By setting clear terms and conditions within these contracts—such as outlining dispute resolution procedures, timelines, and roles for mediators or arbitrators—we can minimize misunderstandings and ensure all parties are on the same page from the get-go.
  • We’re also exploring decentralized arbitration platforms. These systems, which operate without a central authority, leverage blockchain’s transparency and immutability. This means everyone has access to the same information, ensuring a fair process. Additionally, we advocate for community-based resolution models, where peer juries or panels drawn from the platform’s user base help resolve disputes. This fosters trust and a sense of shared ownership in the process.
  • Enforcing arbitration awards across jurisdictions can be tricky, especially when disputes arise in the borderless digital space of blockchain. We assist clients in navigating these complexities, ensuring that smart contract disputes can be resolved effectively, no matter where the parties are located.

Aumirah’s holistic approach combines cutting-edge technology with time-tested legal principles. By emphasizing clarity in contract terms and leveraging the power of smart contracts, we create dispute resolution mechanisms tailored to the unique needs of blockchain companies.


Q: How do you see the role of corporate lawyers evolving as Web3 technologies become more mainstream?

As Web3 technologies become more mainstream, the role of corporate lawyers will change a lot. Lawyers won’t just focus on legal matters anymore—they’ll need to understand technology, strategy, and compliance. Here’s how I see their role evolving:

  • With new laws around blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi), corporate lawyers will help companies follow these regulations and manage legal risks.
  • Lawyers will need to know how to work with smart contracts, which are legal agreements written in code. They’ll learn to write and understand these contracts to make sure everything is legally sound.
  • As digital assets like NFTs grow, lawyers will handle new intellectual property issues, such as who owns what, how things can be licensed, and managing rights in a decentralized world.
  • Since Web3 involves handling large amounts of data, lawyers will ensure companies follow data protection laws and keep user information safe.
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are a new way to manage businesses, and lawyers will advise on how to run these organizations while staying within the law.
  • As more deals happen on decentralized platforms, lawyers will create new ways to resolve disputes, using both traditional legal methods and the power of smart contracts.

In the Web3 world, corporate lawyers will be key in connecting decentralized technology with existing legal systems, and they’ll need to stay ahead as the space evolves quickly.


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In Conversation with Devika Raveendran, CEO & Founder DR Partners, Dubai Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:49:47 +0000 Devika Raveendran started her journey in the legal field at United Nations High Comission for Refugee, wanting to become a Human Rights Lawyer. But as she says, “life happened and I shifted to UAE” Ms. Raveendran is now running her own boutique corporate advisory & wealth structuring firm in Dubai which provides bespoke solutions to […]

The post In Conversation with Devika Raveendran, CEO & Founder DR Partners, Dubai appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

Devika Raveendran started her journey in the legal field at United Nations High Comission for Refugee, wanting to become a Human Rights Lawyer.
But as she says, “life happened and I shifted to UAE” Ms. Raveendran is now running her own boutique corporate advisory & wealth structuring firm in Dubai which provides bespoke solutions to Private Clients, (U)HNI Families, Family Offices, Corporates & Startups in South Asia & MENA.
Her retirement plan is to give back to the community and pick up human rights again. Devika spoke to Apoorva Mehta, our Chief Global Officer about her journey so far.

Question: Can you share the key milestones in your career that led you to become the Founder and CEO of DR Partners L.L.C?

The professional journey commenced with a robust academic background, earning a Bachelor of Laws followed by a Master of Laws from the National Law School in Bengaluru. The career began working with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Delhi. Upon relocating to Dubai with the family, a transition into the family office sector occurred in 2007, joining a multinational trust company. The role involved establishing the business, handling marketing, and driving business development.
Previously, at UNHCR, work with refugees honed my skills in protection and advocacy. The trust company role introduced me to cross-border structuring and advising affluent families in the Middle East on wealth management and succession planning. This was a significant career milestone, as challenges in asset protection, succession, and risk management were tackled. Inspired by senior colleagues, there was a continual effort to enhance expertise as a family office advisor. Experiences in Dubai and Delhi exposed one to diverse markets, offshore and onshore work, varied cultures, and the legal and private wealth landscapes. Returning to Dubai just before the pandemic, the aim was to create a platform that combined industry experience, an extensive network, and a solution to a prevalent issue noticed: service disruption when key employees depart, causing uncertainty for families. Over the last decade, multiple business verticals were established in UAE, including family offices, amassing valuable experience in both execution and operations. It was the opportune moment to synthesize these skills and create something impactful. Thus, DR Partners L.L.C. was launched, addressing the service continuity gap observed, and providing consistent, reliable support for families and business owners.

Question: What motivated you to establish DR Partners L.L.C, and what were some of the initial challenges you faced in setting up your boutique corporate advisory firm?

As previously mentioned, I was driven by a strong desire to establish a platform founded by an Indian woman founder, especially in the private wealth sector, which remains predominantly Western. The family office model gained prominence in the West, and as private wealth migrated to this region, the ecosystem naturally adapted. Upon relocating from Delhi to Dubai in 2020, I noticed a significant influx of private wealth into the region, fuelled by innovation, technology, business-friendly policies, and relocation trends. The pandemic acted as a catalyst, highlighting the growing opportunities not only in the family office sector but also among corporations and startups, with founders seeking to establish a presence in the region. These entities required comprehensive guidance and robust advisory services. While we successfully assisted those who approached us, scaling the business to reach a broader audience presented challenges. We encountered difficulties such as a shortage of experienced professionals and limited resources due to being bootstrapped, which restricted our ability to hire senior resources. I found myself assuming multiple roles, from CEO to administrative duties. The initial enthusiasm began to wane after months of intensive effort. However, drawing inspiration from success stories, engaging with accomplished entrepreneurs, and consulting my mentor helped me anticipate and address potential issues proactively. Although I had heard from many successful predecessors that it is impossible to do everything alone, I had to experience it firsthand to truly appreciate the importance of not trying to be a superwoman.

Question: What unique services does DR Partners offer for families planning immigration and relocation, and how do you ensure these services meet the diverse needs of your clients?

In today’s increasingly global environment, families prioritize mobility and flexibility, particularly considering complex international tax regulations. Wealth creators seek tax-optimized planning strategies to ensure efficient management of their assets while maintaining the freedom to travel without the bureaucratic hurdles of visa processing. At DR Partners, we specialize in understanding the intricate details of family-owned assets, diverse business models, and the evolving landscape of taxation. Our team is adept at crafting tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each generation within a family. Our comprehensive services include securing second passports, golden visas, establishing legacy structures for both offshore and onshore wealth, and creating bespoke family offices. We ensure that our services meet the diverse needs of our clients by conducting thorough assessments and offering personalized strategies. Each family we work with receives bespoke solutions that reflect their specific circumstances and objectives, assuring effective and efficient wealth management and enhanced global mobility.

Question: In your role at Global ARK, how do you integrate your legal expertise with the needs of the aerospace and defense sector?

In my role at Global ARK, I am continually expanding knowledge of aerospace and defence sector, where I consider myself an emerging professional. At Global ARK, our primary objective is to strengthen the India-UAE corridor and facilitate connections with other global markets. The legal expertise plays a crucial role in this process, especially when advising Indian Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and UAE companies on market entry strategies. Given the sensitive nature of the aerospace and defence industry, a thorough understanding of the regulatory framework is essential. My background in law allows me to provide valuable insights and guidance to companies navigating these complex regulations. This includes advising on compliance with export controls, import regulations, and other legal requirements specific to the UAE and India. By leveraging the legal acumen, I help ensure that businesses can successfully enter new markets while adhering to the stringent regulatory standards that govern this industry.

Question: How has your advisory role at institutions like Amity University Dubai and Mirathi influenced your professional approach and contributed to your career growth?

The advisory roles at both Amity University Dubai and Mirathi were significant learning experiences that greatly enriched the professional journey. At Amity University Dubai, an established educational institution, I had the opportunity to contribute to curriculum development. This experience allowed me to blend the passion for creation with an academic setting, reminiscing of my college days, which was both refreshing and enlightening. On the other hand, Mirathi, a startup founded by two young entrepreneurs, focused on the preservation of digital assets. Mirathi, meaning ‘inheritance,’ was designed to protect and seamlessly transfer digital assets from owners to their legal heirs, addressing the issue of millions of unclaimed digital assets due to lost passcodes. In my role as a family office advisor, I had previously encountered reluctance to incorporate digital assets into traditional legacy structures, primarily due to regulatory uncertainties and safeguarding concerns. Mirathi offered a viable solution for digital asset owners, bridging this gap. These advisory roles not only expanded the network but also deepened the understanding of specific product knowledge. This expertise continues to be invaluable, especially during discussions with business founders seeking regulatory approvals with the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA).

Question: What are some of the current trends and challenges you see in the fields of estate planning and corporate law, particularly in the MENA and South Asia regions?

In the MENA region, particularly the UAE, there has been a notable increase in the establishment of family offices as wealthy families aim to manage their wealth and business interests more effectively. This trend is fuelled by the demand for customized wealth management solutions, confidentiality, and succession planning. Digital transformation is becoming more prevalent in estate planning and corporate law. As families increasingly have assets and beneficiaries in multiple jurisdictions, the need for comprehensive cross-border estate planning has grown. This requires expertise in international tax laws, inheritance laws, and treaty benefits to optimize estate structures. Additionally, there is a rising emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria in corporate decision-making. Businesses and family offices are incorporating sustainable practices into their operations and investment strategies, driven by regulatory requirements and market demand. Navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscapes in MENA and South Asia presents significant challenges. Differences in legal systems, frequent regulatory updates, and varying levels of enforcement require meticulous compliance and proactive legal strategies. Succession planning remains a critical challenge for many family-owned businesses in these regions. Ensuring a smooth transition of leadership and ownership while maintaining family harmony and business continuity is a delicate process that requires careful planning and open communication. Economic instability and geopolitical tensions in the MENA region and South Asia pose risks to estate and corporate planning. Volatile market conditions and political uncertainties necessitate robust risk management and contingency planning.

Question: How do you build and maintain strategic relationships across different jurisdictions, and how have these relationships contributed to the success of your firm?


We prioritize establishing partnerships with esteemed local law firms, financial advisors, and consultants who possess extensive expertise in their respective jurisdictions. This strategy ensures we remain well-informed about local regulations, market dynamics, and cultural intricacies. Additionally, our active membership in global networks and professional associations enables us to connect with industry leaders, exchange knowledge, and stay abreast of global best practices. For example, I am an active member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), which has been instrumental in facilitating valuable connections and insights. Our commitment to collaboration is evident in how we continuously share business opportunities, market intelligence, and client referrals with our partners. This collaborative spirit not only reinforces the value of our relationships but also fosters a mutually beneficial environment. As a result, we have been able to expand our service offerings, providing our clients with seamless solutions that traverse multiple jurisdictions. Our clients benefit from a holistic approach that comprehensively addresses their global needs. The ability to deliver globally integrated solutions has distinguished us from our competitors, positioning us as a trusted advisor capable of navigating complex international landscapes. The trust and credibility we have cultivated through our strategic relationships have significantly enhanced our firm’s reputation. This, in turn, has attracted high-net-worth clients and esteemed business partners, contributing substantially to our growth and success. Overall, these strategic relationships have been pivotal in expanding our reach, enhancing our service delivery, and reinforcing our position as a leader in the industry. By maintaining and nurturing these partnerships, we continue to provide exceptional value to our clients and achieve sustainable growth.

Question: Based on your recent experience chairing the 3rd Annual Future Bank Summit MENA, what are the key trends and innovations in neo banks and digital onboarding that you believe will shape the future of banking in the MENA region?

Neo banks, also known as digital-only banks, are rapidly gaining traction in the MENA region due to their convenient, user-friendly banking experience that eliminates the need for physical branches. As a firsthand customer of a neo bank, the benefits and efficiency of this model are evident. Governments and regulatory bodies in the MENA region are increasingly supportive of digital banking initiatives. They are introducing frameworks that facilitate the establishment and operation of neo banks, thereby fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth in the financial sector. Digital onboarding processes are becoming significantly more streamlined and user centric. Customers can now open accounts and access a wide range of banking services quickly and easily through mobile apps and online platforms. This shift is particularly notable given the high smartphone penetration in the MENA region, which has enabled neo banks to adopt a mobile-first approach. This approach caters to the on-the-go lifestyle of modern consumers by offering comprehensive banking services through intuitive mobile apps. Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are being increasingly integrated into the onboarding process. These technologies enhance various aspects of the customer experience, including identity verification, creditworthiness assessment, and service personalization. AI and ML algorithms enable neo banks to efficiently verify customer identities, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, these technologies help in assessing creditworthiness more accurately, allowing for more personalized and tailored financial products and services. Overall, the combination of supportive regulatory frameworks, advanced technological integration, and a mobile-first approach is driving the rapid adoption and success of neo banks in the MENA region. These innovations are not only transforming the banking experience for consumers but also setting the stage for a more dynamic and inclusive financial ecosystem.

Question: What are your future goals for DR Partners, and how do you plan to expand the firm’s services and reach in the coming years?

Our vision for DR Partners is to evolve into a premier Multi-Family Office offering specialized services including real estate, wealth management, legal and corporate advisory, succession planning, governance, immigration and concierge services tailored to the unique needs of the families we serve. This transformation is a strategic, long-term endeavour, but we are fully committed to this path. Currently, we manage and advise over 30 family offices in the region, providing comprehensive guidance on corporate, legal, tax, and compliance matters. Beyond these core services, we are increasingly becoming trusted advisors in real estate transactions, private equity, and alternative investments. Our extensive network of professionals allows us to offer bespoke solutions aligned with each family’s specific requirements, investment strategies, and risk tolerance. As we continue to achieve significant milestones on this journey, we invite you to follow our progress and updates through our page. Your continued support and engagement are invaluable as we strive to reach our ambitious goals.

Question: Looking ahead, what advice would you give to young professionals and aspiring leaders in the industry who want to drive innovation and transformation in their respective fields?

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced industry, young professionals and aspiring leaders must prioritize lifelong learning and adaptability. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth is essential, as is remaining open to feedback and new ideas. Building a strong network by connecting with mentors, industry experts, and peers can provide valuable insights, support, and collaboration opportunities that are indispensable for personal and professional development. It’s crucial to stay abreast of emerging technologies that can drive efficiencies and unlock new opportunities. A deep understanding of advancements in AI and other relevant fields will enable you to leverage these tools effectively. At DR Partners, we are committed to continually enhancing our existing CRM and in-house platforms, always seeking out automation to streamline processes and improve performance. Moreover, a thorough understanding of your customers’ needs, and pain points is vital. Innovations and transformations should always aim to enhance customer experience and deliver greater value. By focusing on the customer, you can ensure that your efforts in driving innovation and transformation will lead to meaningful and impactful outcomes.

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In Conversation with Saksham Rajvanshi, Founding Partner, Lawkins Mon, 05 Aug 2024 07:18:50 +0000 Saksham Rajvanshi specializes in General Corporate and Real Estate transactions, particularly focusing on title search/investigations, leasing, zoning, and the registration of documents. Apoorva Mehta, our Chief Global Officer spoke with Mr. Rajvanshi about his own Lawfirm- Lawkins and his vision in Real Estate Law.   As the Founding Partner of Lawkins, what motivated you to […]

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Saksham Rajvanshi specializes in General Corporate and Real Estate transactions, particularly focusing on title search/investigations, leasing, zoning, and the registration of documents. Apoorva Mehta, our Chief Global Officer spoke with Mr. Rajvanshi about his own Lawfirm- Lawkins and his vision in Real Estate Law.


  1. As the Founding Partner of Lawkins, what motivated you to start your own firm, and what has been the most rewarding aspect of this venture so far?

Our firm was founded on a fervent passion for the industry and a resolute belief in the necessity of a profoundly personalized, client-centric approach. Identifying an underserved market for specific service or niche, we aspired to create a firm that would redefine industry standards for client experience. The most gratifying aspect of this journey has been forging enduring partnerships with clients and making substantial contributions to their objectives. Witnessing the tangible realization of our clients’ aspirations is immensely fulfilling and serves as an unwavering source of inspiration for our team.

  1. During your time as a Real Estate Lawyer at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co, what were some of the most challenging cases you worked on, and how did you navigate them?

My time at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co involved a broad spectrum of real estate transactions, each presenting distinct challenges. A common thread was the intricate balance of legal complexities, market forces, and client demands.

The Indian real estate landscape is characterised by a labyrinthine regulatory framework. Multiple, often overlapping laws and inconsistent enforcement create a complex environment. The real estate market’s conservative nature, marked by lengthy project timelines and substantial investments, necessitates a cautious approach. Clients often prioritise risk mitigation, requiring comprehensive legal protection. Balancing rigorous due diligence with commercial imperatives is crucial. Clear communication and client education are key to managing expectations and building trust.

Limited and unreliable data, compounded by the absence of a centralised property registry, hinders title verification and due diligence. Ground-level investigations and diverse data sources are essential. A robust due diligence framework and advanced data analysis techniques are employed to overcome these challenges.

By navigating these complexities with a pragmatic yet conservative approach, we successfully mitigated risks and achieved positive outcomes for our clients.


  1. How do you see the field of real estate law evolving over the next decade, and what changes do you anticipate?

The Indian real estate sector is undergoing a period of substantial transformation. Driven by rapid urbanisation, increasing disposable incomes, and government initiatives such as the ‘Housing for All’ mission, the industry is experiencing unprecedented expansion. The forthcoming decade is expected to witness a surge in demand for affordable housing, commercial property, and infrastructure development. Nevertheless, the sector continues to grapple with challenges such as regulatory intricacies, land acquisition difficulties, and environmental considerations. As the market matures, there is an anticipated growth in emphasis on sustainability, eco-friendly construction, and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). The legal framework will require adaptation to accommodate these developments, addressing matters such as property rights, consumer protection, and environmental compliance.

  1. For aspiring lawyers interested in real estate law, what steps would you recommend they take to build a strong foundation and succeed in this field?

For aspiring real estate lawyers, a robust foundation is indispensable. Practical exposure through internships or clerkships within real estate firms offers invaluable insights into the industry’s intricacies. Hands-on training and fieldwork are crucial for understanding the ground realities. Additionally, thorough grasp of land revenue laws and their impact on property rights is vital. Building a strong network within the real estate industry, attending industry conferences, and seeking mentorship can accelerate career progression. Ultimately, developing exceptional negotiation and communication skills is instrumental in fostering client relationships and achieving successful outcomes.

  1. What motivated your shift from established firms like L&L Partners to founding your own firm, and what unique challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur in the legal field?

Balancing business acumen with legal expertise is paramount. The competitive legal landscape demands innovative strategies while upholding ethical standards. A significant hurdle lies in bridging the gap between legal complexities and the needs of the common individual, particularly in real estate transactions. Overcoming traditional mindsets within the legal profession and adapting to the dynamic nature of government interactions have also been substantial challenges.


  1. What are your long-term career goals?

My long-term career goal is to be a catalyst for change in the Indian real estate landscape. I aspire to create a society where individuals understand the critical importance of legal due diligence in property transactions, with lawyers playing a pivotal role as trusted advisors.


  1. What do you think are the key points to look for before buying a property?

Acquiring a property is a substantial financial commitment that necessitates thorough evaluation of several critical factors. Firstly, the location of the property is paramount, as it can significantly influence its value and suitability for your needs. Secondly, understanding the permitted uses of the property is crucial to ensure it aligns with your intended purposes, whether residential, commercial, or other uses. Thirdly, validating the ownership of the property is essential to confirm the seller’s legal right to transfer ownership and to avoid potential disputes. Lastly, investigating any existing encumbrances, such as liens, mortgages, or easements, is vital to ensure there are no legal or financial obstacles that could affect your ownership or use of the property. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in making an informed and secure property purchase decision.


  1. What advice would you give to professionals about making a career in real estate law and setting achievable goals?

Seek guidance from experienced real estate lawyers. A mentor can provide valuable insights and support.

The post In Conversation with Saksham Rajvanshi, Founding Partner, Lawkins appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

In Conversation with Mohit Porwal, VP – Trademarks & Finance at Aumirah Wed, 31 Jul 2024 05:42:46 +0000 Mohit Porwal, a highly accomplished legal and finance professional with a proven track record of success in trademark, copyright, design, and corporate law. As the Vice President of Trademarks, Design & Finance at Aumirah and its affiliates, Mohit leads a dynamic team of attorneys, paralegals, and accounts staff and has played a pivotal role in […]

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Mohit Porwal, a highly accomplished legal and finance professional with a proven track record of success in trademark, copyright, design, and corporate law. As the Vice President of Trademarks, Design & Finance at Aumirah and its affiliates, Mohit leads a dynamic team of attorneys, paralegals, and accounts staff and has played a pivotal role in establishing this vertical within the company. With over 12 years of experience, Mohit has honed his expertise by working and training under accomplished lawyers. He possesses a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework and regulations governing trademarks, copyrights, designs, contracts, and compliance, and he uses this knowledge to provide valuable assistance to clients across a diverse range of industries. Here’s conversation with Mohit about his journey, work profile, experiences and his insights:

  • Can you share a bit about your journey in the legal field and becoming the Vice President of Trademarks, Design & Finance at Aumirah? 

I started my educational journey with a strong focus on Mathematics, but after finishing my school education, I realized that engineering wasn’t the right path for me. So, I decided to explore law and pursue a law degree. During my studies, I found that law was a field where I could truly excel. As I neared the end of my degree, I took on a traineeship in Trademark and Design Law and how critical it is going to become in a world where boundaries are merging globally through digital medium and its far-reaching effect because of that. My career in IP began 2013, and since then, I’ve steadily progressed, overcoming challenges and gaining a deep understanding of the field. A turning point came when Rahul called me and told that he is starting a new department to file, prosecute and manage trademarks and designs in India and across the world. This opportunity changed my life. At Aumirah, I was tasked with building the department from scratch. Over time, we attracted many talented individuals who joined us and we built further departments within the overall trademark and design department. Additionally, I was given the responsibility of managing Aumirah’s finances, which greatly boosted my confidence and skills. Rahul’s trust empowered me, and today, it’s clear we’ve achieved remarkable success.

  • What are some of the key challenges you face in trademark and design law practice today?

In today’s rapidly evolving world, trademark and design law face several significant challenges. Protecting trademarks in different jurisdictions is complex and expensive because each country their own interpretation and limitation of the law. With the rise of online shopping and social media, counterfeiting and infringement activity has increased immensely, and we have seen our practice evolve from advisory and prosecution to litigation and enforcement.

Innovations like AI, blockchain, and NFTs add new challenges, especially in virtual spaces like the metaverse. We create strategies to protect brands across various media and platforms, ensuring they stay unique and safe. We work to prevent confusion caused by similar trademarks and protect well-known trademarks from dilution. 

In some cases, people register trademarks solely to sell them for profit, so we need to be vigilant and take strategic actions against this. Filing, renewing, and opposing trademarks is a lot of work, and handling disputes requires expertise. We also educate clients about the importance of trademark protection and manage their expectations with respect to time and costs. Balancing innovation and protection is crucial, as we support the development of new designs and trademarks while ensuring they don’t infringe on existing rights. These challenges mean we need to be adaptable and proactive in protecting and enforcing trademarks.

  • How do you approach conducting thorough trademark searches and obtaining clearances for your clients?

Trademark searches and obtaining clearances is a critical part of my practice in trademark law. It’s a process that ensures our clients’ brands are unique, new and intellectually created by themselves and legally protectable. 

We start by taking the in-depth understanding of the client’s brand and its intended use. This includes the specific goods or services associated with the trademark and the geographical markets where the client plans to launch his business. This helps us to know how we can perform the search for our client. 

Then we perform search on trademark databases and search tools. These databases include national and international trademark registries, as well as on business directories, domain name registries, and online marketplaces. The goal is to find any similar/phonetically similar existing trademarks that could potentially conflict with the client’s mark. Our strategy of search involves looking for exact matches, but it’s equally important to identify similar marks that might cause confusion among consumers. This includes phonetic similarities, visual resemblances, and conceptual likenesses. I pay close attention to marks that might not be identical but could still pose a legal challenge.

Once we are ready with the information of the search results, we analyse them closely. This isn’t just about finding conflicting marks; we also try to find the chances of opposition or litigation and cancellation and the chances of successful registration. I consider how unique and new the mark is, the strength of any existing marks, and the overall market situation. After this analysis, I give the client a detailed report that summarizes the findings, potential risks, and our recommendations. If there are significant conflicts, we work with the client to find alternative trademarks or strategies. This thorough approach ensures my clients’ brands are well-protected and set up for success in their markets.

  • How do you maintain quality and efficiency in your work while handling a diverse range of clients and industries? 

At AUMIRAH handling a diverse client base is not a challenge but an opportunity to learn and outgrow oneself. Everyone who joins Aumirah is exposed to the vast client base that we serve across geographies. I prioritize understanding each client’s unique needs and industry specifics. This means taking the time to learn about their business, market, and competitive landscape. This knowledge allows me to tailor my approach and provide relevant and effective legal advice.  To ensure quality, I follow standards and best practices in all aspects of my work. This includes conducting thorough trademark searches, providing detailed analyses, and preparing detailed documentation. I use latest tools and technologies to streamline processes and enhance accuracy, which helps in managing workloads efficiently. Efficiency is achieved through effective time management and delegation. Regular communication with clients is also essential. Keeping clients informed and engaged helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that we are fulfilling their goals and expectations. Staying updated on the latest legal developments, industry trends, and technological advancements allows me to provide cutting-edge solutions to my clients. I invest in training and resources that enhance my skills and knowledge. Lastly, I value feedback from clients and colleagues. Constructive feedback helps identify areas for improvement and implement changes that enhance both quality and efficiency.

  • Can you describe your role in leading the team of attorneys, paralegals, and accounts staff at Aumirah?

As the team leader at Aumirah, I am responsible for several important duties that go hand in hand with making sure everything runs efficiently. In fact, after I embarked upon this journey at Aumirah, I was the first to start  building a team of associates and interns under me, even Rahul didn’t have that extensive team under him. I work closely with my teammates while being mindful that we owe it to them to give them proper training and knowledge for them to chart a long and prosperous career inside or outside Aumirah. 

First and foremost, I try to create a friendly and productive work atmosphere. Since I think that a productive team dynamic is necessary for success, I promote candid communication, frequent feedback, and teamwork.

I oversee the legal work that our colleagues do, giving guidance and support as required. This involves reviewing cases, offering strategic advice, and ensuring that we strict to the highest standards of legal practice. I also stay involved in complex cases, giving my expertise to ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

On the administrative side, I work closely with our accounts staff to manage our firm’s finances. This includes billings, forecasting expenses, and ensuring we follow efficient and compliant practices. Keeping a clear view of our financial health helps me make decisions that benefit the whole firm.

  • What trends do you see emerging in the field of trademark and design law?

The Trademark practice has changed a lot. It was different when I started and today it is different ball game all together for instance, digital transformation of commerce has led to an increased focus on online brand protection, with trademark owners grappling with new challenges in social media, e-commerce platforms, and virtual marketplaces. Non-traditional trademarks, such as sounds, scents, and holograms, are gaining prominence, pushing the boundaries of what can be protected. The rise of artificial intelligence is not only influencing the creation of intellectual property but also the processes of searching, registering, and enforcing trademarks. Sustainability and ethical considerations are becoming more relevant in brand strategies, influencing trademark applications and enforcement decisions. Globally, there’s a trend towards harmonization of trademark laws, albeit with complexities arising from geopolitical shifts and trade tensions. Additionally, there’s an increasing emphasis on the overlap between different forms of IP protection, particularly in design law, where the lines between trademark, copyright, and design patent protection are becoming blurred in this rapidly evolving field.

  • How do you think advancements in technology will impact the future of trademark and design practice?

Advancements in technology are set to profoundly reshape trademark and design practice in the coming years. AI and machine learning are already revolutionizing trademark searches and clearance processes, and their role is likely to expand into areas such as predicting likelihood of confusion and assisting in application drafting. Blockchain technology and NFTs are challenging traditional notions of trademark ownership and licensing, particularly in digital spaces. While these changes present challenges, they also offer exciting opportunities to provide more efficient, accurate, and strategic IP services to clients, ultimately shaping the future of trademark and design law practice.

  • What advice would you give to young legal professionals aspiring to specialize in trademark and design law?

For young legal professionals my advice will be to start by building a strong foundation in intellectual property law, understanding how trademarks and designs intersect with other area of IP and commercial laws. Immerse yourself in the business world to gain perspective on how IP relates to branding, marketing, and business strategy. Stay technologically savvy and familiarise yourself with emerging technologies that are reshaping the IP landscape. Don’t neglect your soft skills; the ability to communicate complex legal concepts simply and build strong client relationships is crucial. Actively seek mentors and build your professional network within the IP community. By building strong relationships, and maintaining a passion for the field, you can carve out a rewarding and impactful career in trademark and design law.

  • How do you envision Aumirah evolving in the next five years in terms of its legal services and client offerings?

I picture Aumirah undergoing a major transformation in the next five years regarding our client offerings and legal services. We plan to broaden our service range to include areas like M&A, corporate law, and cyber and technology laws, in addition to our strong focus on IP and commercial law. This expansion will enable us to provide our clients with comprehensive legal services and support their diverse needs in an increasingly complex legal landscape. We aim to leverage technology to enhance our services. Implementing advanced legal tech solutions like AI-driven research tools and automated trademark monitoring systems will improve our efficiency and accuracy. This will enable us to serve our clients faster and more effectively.

Additionally, we are committed to expanding our global reach. By establishing partnerships with international firms and exploring new markets, we can support our clients’ needs wherever they operate. This will help us become a truly global player in the IP law space.

Sustainability and social responsibility will also play a significant role in our evolution. We intend to incorporate sustainable practices within our operations and engage in initiatives that give back to the community, reinforcing our commitment to ethical practices and corporate responsibility.

Overall, our vision for Aumirah in the next five years is to become a leading, innovative, deep-research driven and socially responsible law firm that offers a broad spectrum of top-notch legal services to clients worldwide.

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about your role at Aumirah or your views on the legal industry?

I’m particularly proud of our firm’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. We’ve implemented programs to recruit and retain diverse talent, and I personally mentor several young attorneys. I believe that diverse perspectives lead to more innovative solutions for our clients and a stronger legal profession overall.

I believe the future of the legal industry lies in its ability to adapt to rapidly changing business environments. This means not just reacting to new laws and regulations, but anticipating changes and helping clients navigate uncertainty.

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In conversation with Bineeta Mitra, Lawyer as a Marketing Executive, Dubai Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:53:56 +0000 Bineeta comes from a legal background specialising in Intellectual Property Laws and is currently Legal Researcher and Marketing Executive at Amira Saquer Advocates in Dubai. She started her career as a Legal Assistant in India and is very interested in the marketing niche as well. Apoorva Mehta, our Executive Manager had the pleasure to learn […]

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Bineeta comes from a legal background specialising in Intellectual Property Laws and is currently Legal Researcher and Marketing Executive at Amira Saquer Advocates in Dubai. She started her career as a Legal Assistant in India and is very interested in the marketing niche as well. Apoorva Mehta, our Executive Manager had the pleasure to learn more about Ms. Mitra and discuss various aspects of law in UAE as well as India.

  1. Elaborate on your current role as a Legal Researcher cum Marketing Executive at Amira Saqer Advocates?

As a Legal Researcher cum Marketing Executive at Amira Saqer Advocates, my role is multifaceted, combining the responsibilities of legal research with marketing strategies to promote the law firm’s services effectively.

In my capacity as a Legal Researcher, I am tasked with conducting in-depth research on various legal issues, precedents, and statutes relevant to the cases handled by the firm. This involves staying updated with the latest legal developments, interpreting complex legal documents, and providing comprehensive analysis to support the legal team in their case preparation and litigation strategies. My research not only aids in strengthening the firm’s legal arguments but also ensures that our advice to clients is informed and aligned with current legal standards.

As a Marketing Executive, my role is to devise and implement marketing strategies that enhance the visibility and reputation of Amira Saqer Advocates in the legal market. This includes managing the firm’s online presence through social media, the website, and other digital platforms, as well as organizing and participating in networking events, seminars, and workshops to engage with potential clients and legal professionals.

The synergy between these two roles is crucial for the success of the firm. My legal research skills enable me to create marketing content that is not only informative but also demonstrates the firm’s expertise and commitment to excellence in the legal field. Conversely, my marketing efforts help to showcase the depth of our legal research and the value it adds to our clients’ cases.

  1. How has your litigation practice experience in both India and the UAE shaped your approach to legal research and marketing?

My experience in litigation practice across both India and the UAE has significantly influenced my approach to legal research and marketing in several ways. This diverse exposure has not only broadened my understanding of legal systems and practices but has also sharpened my ability to adapt and tailor my strategies to different legal and cultural contexts.

In terms of legal research, working in two distinct jurisdictions has highlighted the importance of being meticulous and thorough in understanding the nuances of each legal framework. It has taught me the value of comparative research, drawing parallels and contrasts between legal principles and precedents in different jurisdictions. This comparative approach enriches the depth and quality of my research, making it more insightful and relevant.

From a marketing perspective, my exposure to the legal landscapes of India and the UAE has been instrumental in shaping my approach to communicating the firm’s services. Understanding the unique legal needs and preferences of clients in each region has helped me craft targeted marketing strategies that resonate with the local audience.

Furthermore, this experience has sensitized me to the cultural and linguistic nuances in legal communication, emphasizing the need for clear, accessible, and culturally appropriate marketing materials. It has also highlighted the importance of building a strong professional network and leveraging relationships for effective marketing, a skill that is particularly valuable in the close-knit legal community of the UAE.

In summary, my litigation practice experience in India and the UAE has equipped me with a rich, cross-cultural perspective that informs both my legal research and marketing strategies. It has taught me the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and cultural sensitivity in effectively serving clients and promoting the firm’s services in a global legal market.

  1. What are some of the most complex legal matters you have advised on, and what were the challenges and outcomes?

Complex legal matters vary widely depending on jurisdiction and context, but some types of cases are often considered complex.

Challenges were faced in the case of the following complicated  legal issues and the effects thereof:-

  1. International Law and Treaties:
    • Challenge: Interpreting and applying international treaties and agreements involves navigating different legal systems, languages, and often conflicting interests between states.
    • Outcome: Resolutions can set significant precedents in international relations and law, impacting global policy and diplomacy.
  1. Antitrust and Competition Law:
    • Challenge: Assessing market dominance, anti-competitive practices, and their impact on consumers and the economy requires detailed economic analysis and understanding of complex market dynamics.
    • Outcome: Decisions can reshape industries, determine corporate strategies, and influence pricing and consumer choice.
  2. Intellectual Property (IP) Law:
    • Challenge: Resolving disputes over patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets often involves technical expertise, especially in fields like biotechnology or software development.
    • Outcome: Court rulings can establish new standards for IP protection, affecting innovation and competition in various industries.
  3. Corporate Law and Governance:
    • Challenge: Handling mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, or disputes between shareholders involves intricate legal frameworks and financial considerations.
    • Outcome: Legal decisions impact corporate governance practices, shareholder rights, and the overall stability of financial markets.
  4. Constitutional Law:
    • Challenge: Cases involving constitutional rights and freedoms require balancing individual liberties against state interests, often in politically charged contexts.
    • Outcome: Landmark rulings can redefine fundamental rights and liberties, influencing government policies and the legal landscape for years.
  5. Environmental Law:
    • Challenge: Resolving disputes over environmental regulations, pollution control, and land use often requires expertise in both law and environmental science.
    • Outcome: Legal decisions can affect public health, environmental sustainability, and corporate responsibility.

Each of these areas involves intricate legal analysis, often requiring specialized knowledge and experience.

The outcomes of complex legal matters can vary widely, from setting new legal precedents and shaping future laws to influencing public policy and corporate strategies.

The resolution of such cases typically involves extensive litigation, negotiations, and sometimes appeals through higher courts, leading to outcomes that can have far-reaching implications.

  1. How do you approach the drafting of sensitive documents like non-disclosure agreements and legal correspondence?

Approach to Drafting sensitive documents like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and legal correspondence requires attention to detail, clarity, and a thorough understanding of legal principles.

Some steps and considerations to approach drafting documents effectively are as follows:

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs):

  1. To Understand the Parties Involved:

Identify the parties (disclosing party and recipient) and their roles. Ensure accuracy in naming individuals or entities.

  1. To Define the Confidential Information:

 Clearly define what constitutes confidential information. This should be specific and comprehensive to cover all relevant information.

  1. To Specify Obligations and Exceptions:

Outline the recipient, obligations regarding the confidential information (e.g., confidentiality obligations, limitations on use, and non-disclosure). Include exceptions where disclosure may be required (e.g., by law or court order).

  1. Duration and Termination:

     To specially specify

  1. How does practicing law in the UAE differ from your experience in India?

Practicing law in the UAE differs from having experience in India in several key aspects, primarily due to the differences in legal systems.

India follows a common law system based on the doctrine of judicial precedent and the courts’ decisions. The UAE, on the other hand, has a civil law system with significant influence from Sharia law, especially in matters of family law, inheritance, and personal status. This fundamental difference in the legal framework affects the way laws are interpreted and applied.

 In the UAE, Sharia law plays a significant role in the legal system, particularly in personal matters. This is a unique aspect that does not have a direct parallel in India, where secular laws govern personal matters, although religious laws can also be applied in certain cases under the personal law system.

The UAE, being a major hub for international business and trade, has developed sophisticated commercial laws and regulations to attract foreign investment. This includes specialized courts and free zones with their legal frameworks. India also has a robust legal framework for commercial transactions and foreign investment, but the approach and regulations can differ significantly, reflecting the unique economic and political landscape of each country.

In summary, practicing law in the UAE versus India involves navigating different legal systems, languages, cultural norms, and the influence of religious laws. Lawyers transitioning between these jurisdictions must adapt to these differences to effectively represent their clients.

  1. What advice would you give to young legal professionals who aspire to have a diverse and impactful career like yours?

To young legal professionals aspiring to have a diverse and impactful career, here are several pieces of advice that could guide their journey.

 The legal field is vast and constantly evolving. Stay curious and committed to learning new areas of law, understanding different legal systems, and keeping up with legal developments globally. This will not only make them more versatile professionals but also help identify and seize opportunities in various sectors.

Effective communication is key in the legal profession. Whether drafting legal documents, negotiating deals, or presenting in court, the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively is crucial. Work on both your written and verbal communication skills.

Remember, a diverse and impactful career is built over time, through continuous learning, adaptation, and a commitment to making a difference. Stay focused, be proactive, and embrace the journey.

  1. Can you describe your involvement with the Emirates Legal Network and how it has contributed to your professional growth?

Certainly, my involvement with the Emirates Legal Network has been a pivotal aspect of my professional growth. This network serves as a collaborative platform for legal professionals within the UAE, fostering knowledge exchange, professional development, and networking opportunities. My participation has allowed me to engage with a diverse group of legal experts, including judges, attorneys, and academics, from various jurisdictions and legal backgrounds.

Through the Emirates Legal Network, I have had the opportunity to contribute to discussions on critical legal issues, share insights on emerging legal trends, and participate in workshops and seminars that have significantly enhanced my understanding of the UAE’s legal landscape. The network’s commitment to professional development has also provided me with access to resources and training that have been instrumental in my continuous learning and adaptation to the evolving legal field.

Moreover, the network has been a valuable avenue for expanding my professional network. Building relationships with peers and mentors within the Emirates Legal Network has opened doors to collaborative projects, referrals, and career opportunities that have been essential to my career advancement.

In summary, my involvement with the Emirates Legal Network has not only contributed to my professional growth by enhancing my legal knowledge and skills but has also played a crucial role in expanding my professional network and opening up new opportunities for career development.

  1. How do you stay updated with the latest legal trends and developments in both contentious and non-contentious areas?

To stay updated with the latest legal trends and developments in both contentious and non-contentious areas, I employ a multifaceted approach that leverages various resources and networks.

 I make it a point to engage in continuous learning through attending workshops, webinars, and seminars focused on legal updates and trends. These platforms often feature discussions led by experts in various legal fields, providing valuable insights into emerging issues and changes in legislation. Active participation in professional networks and associations, such as the Emirates Legal Network, is crucial. These networks serve as hubs for knowledge exchange, where members share experiences, discuss recent cases, and debate new legal interpretations. They are invaluable for staying informed about both contentious and non-contentious developments. Utilizing online legal databases and platforms is essential for accessing the most current legal information, including legislation, case law, and legal articles. These platforms are frequently updated, making them reliable sources for staying up to date with legal trends.

 Subscribing to legal alert services ensures that I receive timely notifications about changes in laws, regulations, and case outcomes that could impact legal practice. These services help in quickly adapting to new legal landscapes.

By combining these strategies, I ensure a comprehensive and dynamic approach to staying informed about the latest legal trends and developments in both contentious and non-contentious areas. This not only enhances my professional expertise but also ensures that I can provide the most current and effective legal advice to my clients.

  1. Can you share a memorable case from your litigation career and the outcome?

Certainly, one of the most memorable cases from my litigation career involved a complex commercial dispute between two multinational corporations over a breach of contract and allegations of fraud. The case was significant not only because of the substantial financial stakes involved but also due to its intricate legal issues and the international dimensions that required a deep understanding of both UAE law and international commercial law.

The dispute centered around a joint venture agreement that had gone awry, leading to accusations of misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duties, and significant financial losses. The case was particularly challenging because it required navigating through a maze of cross-border transactions, diverse legal frameworks, and a vast array of documentary evidence.

After an extensive legal battle that included detailed fact-finding, expert witness testimonies, and rigorous legal argumentation, the case was successfully resolved in favor of our client. The outcome involved a significant financial settlement and provided a clear legal precedent that has since influenced similar disputes in the region.

This case was memorable not just for its outcome but also for the learning experience it offered. It underscored the importance of thorough preparation, strategic litigation planning, and a deep understanding of both the legal and factual complexities involved in international commercial disputes. It also highlighted the critical role of cross-border legal expertise in achieving successful outcomes in such cases.

  1. What drives your continuous desire for growth and development in the legal field?

My continuous desire for growth and development in the legal field is driven by a multifaceted set of motivations, each playing a crucial role in fueling my passion for learning and advancement.

Firstly, the law is an ever-evolving field, with new legislation, judicial decisions, and legal interpretations constantly reshaping the legal landscape. This dynamic nature of law inspires me to continuously seek knowledge and stay updated, ensuring that I can provide the most current and effective legal advice to my clients.

Secondly, the opportunity to make a positive impact through my work is a significant motivator. Whether it’s helping individuals navigate complex legal issues, supporting businesses in achieving their goals or contributing to the development of legal frameworks that promote fairness and justice, the potential for meaningful impact in the legal field is immense. This sense of purpose drives me to continually develop my skills and expertise.

Furthermore, the intellectual challenge inherent in legal practice is deeply satisfying. Each case presents a unique set of facts and legal issues, requiring creative problem-solving and strategic thinking. This intellectual stimulation keeps my work engaging and motivates me to deepen my understanding of the law and refine my analytical skills.

Lastly, the desire for personal and professional growth is a fundamental driver. I am committed to lifelong learning and view every case, legal development, and professional interaction as an opportunity to grow. This commitment to personal development not only enhances my legal practice but also enriches my understanding of the world and my place in it.

In summary, the dynamic nature of law, the opportunity for impactful work, the intellectual challenge of legal practice, and the pursuit of personal and professional growth collectively drive my continuous desire for growth and development in the legal field.

The post In conversation with Bineeta Mitra, Lawyer as a Marketing Executive, Dubai appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

In Conversation with Brijesh Chedayan, CEO, Beveron Technologies, Dubai Thu, 04 Jul 2024 07:27:13 +0000 Brijesh Chedayan is the CEO of Beveron Technologies, a legal tech company which is bridging the gap between legal services and the tech world in UAE. He is also the author of ‘Building Smart Lawyer Office’, a book that guides the legal sector in achieving digital transformation with innovations. Our Executive Manager, Apoorva Mehta spoke […]

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Brijesh Chedayan is the CEO of Beveron Technologies, a legal tech company which is bridging the gap between legal services and the tech world in UAE. He is also the author of ‘Building Smart Lawyer Office’, a book that guides the legal sector in achieving digital transformation with innovations. Our Executive Manager, Apoorva Mehta spoke with Mr. Chedeyan about his inspiration, initiatives and vision ahead in the legal tech world.

  • Could you share your journey as a LegalTech entrepreneur and the inspiration behind your initiatives?

My journey into the LegalTech industry began with a desire to bridge the gap between technology and legal services. After years of observing inefficiencies in traditional legal practices and legal contract management, I was inspired to create solutions that could streamline and automate legal workflows. This led to the founding of Beveron Technologies. Our goal has always been to empower legal professionals with innovative tools, making their processes more efficient and effective. Witnessing the positive impact of our solutions on our clients’ operations continues to inspire our work every day.

  • What is your current role and focus in the legal sector?

As the CEO of Beveron Technologies, my current role involves overseeing the strategic direction and growth of the company. My primary focus is on developing and implementing innovative legaltech solutions that address the evolving needs of legal professionals. This includes enhancing our SmartLegal platform to provide more efficient and effective tools for managing day to day legal operations. I am committed to driving innovation in the legal sector and ensuring our products deliver real value to our clients.

  • How do you view the impact of legal tech in achieving digital transformation for legal offices?

Legal tech plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of legal offices by streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency, and reducing manual workload. With tools for managing legal requests, contracts, litigations, and expenses, legal tech solutions enable legal teams to operate more effectively and focus on higher-value tasks. Additionally, these technologies improve data management and accessibility, fostering better decision-making and collaboration. By integrating advanced legal tech, legal offices can achieve significant improvements in productivity, accuracy, and overall service delivery.

  • What are your thoughts on the importance of innovation, quality, and efficiency in the legal tech industry?

Innovation, quality, and efficiency are the cornerstones of success in the legal tech industry. Innovation drives the development of cutting-edge solutions that address the unique challenges faced by legal professionals. Quality ensures that these solutions are reliable, secure, and effective in meeting users’ needs. Efficiency, on the other hand, enables legal teams to streamline their processes, reduce manual tasks, and focus on strategic activities. Together, these elements not only enhance productivity but also empower legal professionals to deliver superior service and achieve better outcomes for their clients.

  • How have you supported the E-Government and E-Banking sectors in the Middle East region with your IT expertise?

While working with CSC and HP, I contributed significantly to the E-Government and E-Banking sectors in the Middle East. My role involved implementing robust IT infrastructures and developing innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of these sectors. For E-Government, this meant enhancing public service delivery through digital platforms, improving accessibility, and streamlining administrative processes. In the E-Banking sector, my focus was on creating secure, user-friendly online banking solutions that improved customer experience and operational efficiency. These experiences have greatly enriched my expertise in deploying large-scale IT projects in critical sectors.

  • What innovative approaches or recommendations do you have for legal professionals seeking to stand out in the field of legal tech?

To stand out in the field of legal tech, legal professionals should embrace continuous learning and stay updated on emerging technologies. Adopting automation tools can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy in legal processes. Leveraging data analytics can provide valuable insights for better decision-making. Collaborating with tech experts and participating in legal tech communities can foster innovation and knowledge sharing. Additionally, focusing on user-centric design in legal tech solutions ensures they are intuitive and meet the actual needs of users, setting professionals apart as forward-thinking and client-focused.

  • Could you elaborate on the role and benefits of the technology aspirant lawyers network group, “Smart Lawyers in UAE,” that you lead?

The “Smart Lawyers in UAE” network group, plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among technology-driven legal professionals in the United Arab Emirates. 

Primary key aspect of the group is knowledge exchange. The network serves as a platform for lawyers, legaltech enthusiasts, and aspiring legal professionals to exchange insights, best practices, and innovative ideas related to legal technology. Members can discuss emerging trends, tools, and strategies that enhance legal services. 

Second aspect is skill development.  “Smart Lawyers in UAE” organizes workshops, webinars, and training sessions. These events focus on enhancing members’ technological skills, such as using legal research databases, understanding AI applications in law, and leveraging legal management software.

Next important aspect is networking opportunities. Regular meetups and networking events allow lawyers to connect with like-minded peers, potential collaborators, and industry experts. Building a strong professional network is essential for career growth and staying updated on legaltech advancements. 

Finally its much meant as advocacy for legal innovation. The group advocates for the adoption of technology in legal practice. By promoting legaltech solutions, it contributes to streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and delivering better client experiences.

  • Is there any advice or message you would like to share with legal professionals considering the adoption of legal tech and digital transformation?

My advice is that Legal professionals embarking on the path of legal tech and digital transformation should embrace change and continuous learning. This includes efficiency gains by leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for strategic legal work. Centralized repositories enhance collaboration and reduce information search time. Second thing is Strategic Adoption by understanding how digital tools align with business objectives. Advocate for technology adoption within your legal department. And finally keep a tech-savvy mindset. Stay updated on the latest legal tech trends, take online courses, and earn certifications. Embrace AI and automation for career advancement .

The post In Conversation with Brijesh Chedayan, CEO, Beveron Technologies, Dubai appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.

In Conversation with Rahul Bagga Founder and Managing Director of Aumirah Tue, 28 May 2024 11:47:54 +0000 In this interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Rahul Bagga, the Founder and Managing Director of Aumirah. Our conversation covers Rahul’s journey from working as an in-house counsel to founding Aumirah, his vision for the company, and the experiences that have shaped his career. Rahul’s story, from his beginnings in chemical engineering to becoming […]

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In this interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Rahul Bagga, the Founder and Managing Director of Aumirah. Our conversation covers Rahul’s journey from working as an in-house counsel to founding Aumirah, his vision for the company, and the experiences that have shaped his career. Rahul’s story, from his beginnings in chemical engineering to becoming a pioneer in IP law, is both insightful and compelling. Here’s the exclusive candid conversation:

Can you tell us about your journey from working as an inhouse counsel to founding Aumirah? What inspired you to take this leap?

I am a Chemical Engineer by academic training and obtained my postgraduate degree and diploma at Imperial College London and have spent couple years in research. My entry into the law happened via patent attorney role that I took up in several companies and firms before setting up Aumirah. I have always worked like an entrepreneur, even when I was working under someone’s banner. Therefore, there never was any special inspiration to start Aumirah. However, in the hindsight, I see starting on my own has made me realise my deepest desire of always wanting to explore other areas of the law such as corporate law, data privacy, technology laws etc., and my role under my employers was severely restricted to only exploring patent law in particular and IP law in general. While I started Aumirah as a boutique IP law firm focussed on patents, trademarks and designs prosecution and advisory; however, I had decided to develop skills and practice in other closely related areas of the law as well. I am glad that Aumirah has been gradually adding more practice areas. 

What is the core vision behind Aumirah?

The core vision behind Aumirah is powered by our passion for science, technology, brands and business. I am in the field of law because I find it perfect ground for exploring and pushing the boundaries of my business, science, technology and creative training and talent. I like to ask Why and Why not a lot – and my approach to understanding and applying law thus stems from an outsider perspective and being a thoroughbred engineer, I am programmed to find solutions. In that I sync very well with my clients who are all Founders/Business Owners, investors, brand builders driven by a big vision and hunger to create an impact in their ecosystem. We don’t like to take a No just like our clients who are solving some of the biggest problems of the planet and won’t take a No either. 

As the Founder and Managing Director, how do you balance leading a dynamic team of both young and experienced professionals?

One way I have been able to lead my team is by making the age invisible and giving priority to quality of work and the character of the person as well. I never dilute the authority of the person who has been tasked with certain responsibilities by interfering in their roles with some exceptions, which I am also cutting down drastically. We have perfected one mantra at Aumirah – A full exchange of trust and dedication between Aumirah and her people. So, whenever someone enters our doors, trust is placed on the person from that day, they don’t have to earn it and we also, in return, we expect dedication to Aumirah and her vision. In this approach, the exchange is now different – now the onus is on our team and colleagues to retain the trust and not lose it and the onus is on us to maintain and intensify that dedication by continuously giving them opportunities to grow their career. 

What qualities do you look for when you are  building your team, and how do you ensure they align with Aumirah’s goals?

Very early on in the journey, I had realised we have to prioritise character over talent. It also fits with our strategy of exchange of trust and dedication. So, the most important thing that we look for in a person is their character and integrity, and this may differ for different people at different stages of their careers. Also, at Aumirah, we not only ensure that our team aligns with Aumirah’s goals; we are constantly working to ensure that Aumirah presents opportunities and growth that aligns with their personal and professional goals as well. It works both ways.

How do you help startups, MSMEs, and large corporations adopt a more practical approach to IP rights? Can you share an example of a significant impact you’ve made?

At Aumirah, we proudly say that we are not “IP evangelists”. Personally, I don’t believe IP rights “solves” problems of a company or “play a huge role” in raising money from investors etc. especially in India and this part of the world. 

For startups, we like to approach IP from the point of “pivotability” since most startup Founders are young folks or first time founders and still figuring product market fit or they may be changing logos every second or third year – our advise to them takes into consideration the capricious nature of the Founders as well as that of their business strategies – if their business strategy or go-to-market strategy changes, ideally, I wouldn’t want them to keep on filing new patents or trademarks. I would rather have them spend money on building product than spending money on IP. This balance has to be achieved. We have worked closely with several startups in domain of health tech or med tech or even Web3 or AI/ML  – where it is quite common for product or business strategy to pivot but we have seldom advised them to file patents when they pivot as their existing one-two patents were done with such thought in mind. 

For MSMEs, we take a portfolio approach – most of their work is in public domain so what can be protected or do they need patents at late stage at all or they need proper IP policies in place or agreements in place to ensure their hold on their IP remains strong. For SMEs, the framework is usually tailor made – are they going for a merger, or for an SME IPO or they want to raise private capital – there could be n number of reasons for an SME to suddenly look for IP rights and our advise and framework is thus designed to their specific requirements or goals. 

For corporates, our approach is rather of following orders since most large corporates have their own large in-house IP team. Whenever a large corporation doesn’t have their own in-house IP team, we take product specific strategies and approaches. 

What advice would you give to startups regarding IP management, especially those in the early stages of their development?

Startups in early stages of their development should focus on building product and engage a smart and focussed IP specialist who has great exposure to other areas of the law as well from the very beginning to contain the costs of their IP rights development as well as to develop policies early on regrading creation, disclosure and use of IPRs. For a direct-to-consumer brand, it would be better to understand when to file for trademark registrations, and what could be the best practices until the trademark is filed for registration. For a technology or science driven company, it would be better for them to understand when to file patent applications, and how to differentiate between product and inventions, and how many applications to really file, and how to optimise the number of filings – basically how to obtain maximum protection with minimum spend of money. At the end of the say, startups have limited money and most money must go into developing product and finding product-market fit and not in unnecessary legal and IP costs that may be severely reduced if a quality lawyer is engaged from the very beginning. 

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and changes in IP law, and how does Aumirah incorporate these into its practices?

Our clients are our number one source of trends and changes in IP law. It is the science and technology and the innovations, and unique ways of selling and marketing that are being developed by our clients that pushes the boundaries of IP law – all patent, trademarks, design and copyright etc. The law copes up with the changes because if it were to be other way around, it would stifle innovation. Aumirah is quick to incorporate new learnings from one area of technology into another area of technology. Our team routinely has knowledge sharing sessions. We challenge the status quo with innovative approaches and arguments, and have found great success. 

What are your long-term goals for Aumirah, both in India and globally?

I want to establish Aumirah as the foremost IP filing and advisory firm of India with a unique global standing. We have unique ways of looking at innovation and its impact on business and as such this reflects strongly in the quality of work that we do. We take an agnostic view to an idea or brand in the beginning before committing to guarding it.  

How do you envision the future of IP law evolving, and what role do you see Aumirah playing in that future?

I think IP law is going to change rapidly in coming 3-5 years, because of artificial intelligence, especially on application, delivery and operational side i.e. how the work product is going to be delivered to the clients. Aumirah is already preparing herself by incorporating proprietary AI tools into their workflow and reducing turnaround time and errors.  

What life mantra do you live by, and how has it helped you in your career and personal life and what advice would you give to the younger generation aspiring to enter the field of IP law?

The life mantra that I personally live by is to not plan deeply for future and build straitjackets and inflexible frameworks. I plan my work/business on weekly basis – what I am going to do this week and what I am going to do in next two days, to accomplish any weekly agenda. I do not plan and then act. I would rather implement a poor idea quickly and then improve upon it as we go along. 

To the younger generation aspiring to enter the field of IP law, my advice would be to have an acute knowledge and mastery over their area of science/technology [if entering patent law] and on business, marketing and sales [if entering trademark, design or copyright law]. I would also recommend that lawyers should also consider interning in non-legal roles such as marketing, product development, strategy to become better lawyers in future. If you want to become a wholesome IP lawyer – know the business world intimately – know the motivations of an inventor and how it is different from an entrepreneur and how that is different from an investor and how that is different from a product manager or marketer etc. These deep understanding of motivations of several people in businesses shall help you become a thorough IP lawyer.  

The post In Conversation with Rahul Bagga Founder and Managing Director of Aumirah appeared first on Legal Desire Media and Insights.
