Sardar Patel University of Police Security and Criminal Justice (SPUP) is starting a multidisciplinary, biannual, peer reviewed research journal “International Journal of Police Security and Criminal Justice (IPSC)”.
The objective of the Journals is to disseminate knowledge, research based findings and its application for the benefit of everyone ranging from students to the academics and professional research communities. It will serve as a forum for review, reflection and discussion.
We are also focusing to introduce journal as a research platform for Computer Science, Social Science, Humanities, Behavioral Science and Management Researchers in order to discuss their experience and research work with other experts and professionals of their respective fields, sub-fields and other areas; thus bridging the gap between research theories and its interdisciplinary connection, relevance and application. Raising issues across disciplinary boundaries and facilitating exchange of views, this journal intends to serve as a forum of academicians, scholars, researchers and professionals especially those who share common interests in the understanding of various problems related to security and criminal justice system and its relation with society, specific and at large.
The journal will publishes original papers on current; research based theoretical and practical studies, review papers, constructive criticisms, short notes, book reviews, reports of meetings and professional announcements.
Authors can submit the manuscript provided it contains original work not published either in any print or online journal or books. Also it should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Submission Guidelines:
- Manuscript/paper sent for publication should be in one file containing cover page (Page 1, author’s description with designations, official address, phone/mobile numbers and e-mail addresses), Abstract (Page 2, purpose of the research, methodology employed and findings of the study along with maximum 8 key words, Max. 500 words), and manuscript (Page 3 onwards, Introduction, research question, relative importance, objectives and hypothesises, Methodology, Tables and Figures Results and Discussion, Conclusion).
- Manuscript should be in typed in 12 point Times New Roman Font.
- It should be in MS Word format in double space.
- Manuscript should not exceed 13-15 pages in all, A4 size pages. Ideally, it should not contain more than 5000 words.
- The page numbers should at centre of every page.
- All headings and sub-headings must be bold – faced, aligned left and fully capitalized.
- References at the end of the manuscript should be arranged in an alphabetical sequence at the first and then further sorted chronologically. Authors are requested to follow standard referencing style of their respective field
- Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has been, neither published nor submitted for publication.
- We only accept the manuscripts written in English. However, authors are requested to provide an extended abstract / summary (500 words) of their paper in Hindi.
Manuscript can be submitted (.doc, .cdr only) by e-mail. Our Email address is
Membership (Annual):
- Individual: Rs. 500/-
- Institutional: Rs. 2000/-
The last date for submitting the manuscript for the upcoming issue (Vol. 1, issue 1) is 15th July, 2015
Dr. Mithilesh Narayan Bhatt
Assistant Professor of Law,
Department of Law,
Sardar Patel University of Police Security and Criminal Justice,
Daijar, Jodhpur – 342304,