Many people never think they will encounter an employment issue that requires them to seek legal assistance. As a result, you might have no idea what you’re supposed to do when your employer isn’t paying you what you’re owed, has wrongfully fired you, allows harassment to happen in the workplace, or is pressuring you into illegal behavior.
You might think your only option is to put up with what’s happening or leave a job that provides financial security. However, you can also hire an employment lawyer. Before you sign on with who you believe will be able to help, avoid making some of the following hiring mistakes.
Not Asking About Relevant Experience
You might have typed ‘employment lawyer’ into a search engine to discover someone suitable to represent you in a legal situation, but that doesn’t mean the person you find has any experience in a case like yours.
When you contact an employment lawyer, don’t be afraid to ask if they’ve had any experience working on cases like yours. The more experience your chosen lawyer or law firm has, the more knowledge they can draw from to potentially bring your case to a successful conclusion.
Not Discussing Money
One of your primary reasons for seeking legal assistance might be to ensure you can keep your job and stable form of income. Otherwise, you might struggle to make ends meet. With money on your mind, don’t forget to ask how your lawyer prefers to be paid and how much you can expect to pay them.
Some lawyers charge an hourly rate and include other fees as extras, such as printing, filing fees, administration, and expert costs, while others work on a contingency fee basis. A contingency fee means you don’t have to pay for your lawyer’s time unless you win your case. If you win, they typically receive 20% to 50% of your settlement figure as payment for their services.
Not Researching Your Chosen Lawyer
As much as you might want to take your lawyer at face value, your employment future can be on the line. Research who they are and learn more about their reputation to be sure you’ve made the right decision to hire them.
Read testimonials on their website, browse through online reviews, and even talk to friends and family who might have had experience with them before. The more you learn about a lawyer, the more confidence you might have in your decision to have them on your side.
Not Establishing Availability
Lawyers are busy people, with many working more than 40 hours per week. While most highly regarded lawyers wouldn’t take on clients they don’t have time for, it can be worth determining their availability to gauge the level of attention your case will receive.
Some lawyers are happy to take on your case and leave it in the capable hands of their team while overseeing it, while others leave their cases to inexperienced employees and fail to communicate adequately with the client. The more you know about your lawyer’s availability and how easy they will be to contact, the fewer surprises there might be as your case proceeds.
Hiring an employment lawyer is a big decision, and you likely want to make the right one the first time. Avoid making these mistakes above, and you might be more than happy with your representation.