Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has advised the joint bookrunners on the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB)’s USD 350 million Rule 144A/Reg S 7.125% Senior Notes due 2029.
TSKB’s vision is to maintain sustainable growth in Turkey by adding value to the Turkish economy (principally through supporting the private sector with medium and long-term financing), which reflects TSKB’s goals of being the pioneering bank in Turkey’s sustainable development and extending resources to contribute to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.
Clifford Chance has also recently advised on TSKB’s issuance of one of the first AT1 offerings by a Turkish issuer in recent years as well as its 144A/Reg S issuance of sustainable notes.
The Clifford Chance team was led by Olivier Plessis in Paris and Johannes Juette in London, with, in London, Paul Deakins, Ayan Koshal, Garo Yaghsezian, Trey Oxendine and Abi Dhanji; and, in Istanbul, Sait Eryilmaz, AliCan Altiparmak, Bilgesu Çakmak and Aykan Karpuzcu.