Dentons HPRP has successfully assisted Creador Capital, a private equity firm based in Malaysia, to add more participation in PT Pefindo Biro Kredit (“PT PBK”), a Credit Information Management Institution (Lembaga Pengelola Informasi Perkreditan or LPIP), by acquiring PT Consumer Information Consulting, one of the shareholders in PT PBK.
The acquisition of PT Consumer Information Consulting was carried out directly from its shareholders, CIC System Information, a Japanese based company, and PT Samara Inovest. As a result of this transaction, Creador Capital, which also owns shares in PT PBK through PT Cahaya Teknologi Optima Sejahtera, has increased its share ownership in PT PBK from 8.08% to 11.25%.
PT PBK is the pioneer of private credit bureaux in Indonesia. Initiated by PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO), Indonesia’s leading credit rating agency, the company has been operating commercially since 2017 through the launch of a credit score and report product.
In this noteworthy transaction, Dentons HPRP’s private equity and venture capital team led by Partner Erwin Kurnia Winenda, and supported by Senior Associate Bima Rio Febrianus, and Associates Fremi Rovi Raturandang and Cattelya Nabila Mediarman, was appointed as the Indonesian counsel to provide legal assistance, among others, legal advisory, legal due diligence, and preparing all requirements and documents for the transaction.
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