Narcissists are people who are self-centered, manipulative, and verbally abusive. If you are married to a narcissist, you will experience their personality traits that could make it difficult to stay married.
The narcissist will make you feel terrible about yourself as you lose faith in yourself and lose your healthy relationships with other people. Many people married to narcissists struggle for years before they take steps to care for themselves by ending the relationship with the help of Sydney lawyers for families. These are signs you’re married to a narcissist:
1. They Control Your Moves
A narcissist works hard to control you, especially by preventing you from spending money on things you want or spending time with people that you like. You’ll find that you are told how much money you can spend and when and where you can go. Often, the narcissist must go with you to control your every move.
2. They Prevent You From Seeing Others
If you stay married to a narcissist, you’ll start to feel alone. Your narcissistic spouse talks you into ending relationships with family and friends. Your spouse with manipulate you by putting you down and verbally abusing you.
3. They Gaslight Your Experiences
Narcissists gaslight their partners by telling them their experiences aren’t worthy. They make their spouses feel insignificant, so they question their jobs, hobbies, and other favorite activities. They will gaslight you while making their jobs and activities sound like the best and only option.
4. They Put Your Down
A narcissistic spouse must feel good about themselves, so they put down the people around them. They will point out your weaknesses and make you feel like you don’t deserve to be loved.
5. They Call You Names
Children call each other names, because they don’t know better. Narcissists call people names to boost their self-esteem. The names might start as small jokes, but they eventually stick and narcissists use the names to insult their friends, partners, and family. Unfortunately, spouses start to get used to being called names, and they give their partners power to continue the verbal abuse.
6. You Can’t Get Their Approval
A narcissist can be a perfectionist, not for themselves, but for others. If you don’t clean the kitchen perfectly, they will insult your abilities and force you to work harder to get approval that will never come. The narcissist becomes an authoritarian, directing you around, but never approving of what you do.
As you are working to please your partner, the narcissist will put down your life. They will be disappointed in what you are bringing to the relationship, as you never can bring enough money, enough joy, or enough beauty. You’ll feel worthless, as if you are failing – even if you are doing the best you can.
7. They Infantilize You
Narcissists will take away responsibilities because they think you aren’t capable of handling basic tasks. They will treat you like a child or an infant who cannot do anything, making you feel terrible about yourself, while boosting their own self esteem.