The ironic thing about car accidents is that even when they are one of the most common causes of death in the country, very few people know what to do when they’re involved in one. This causes people to make mistakes that hurt their chances of securing fair and full compensation for their injuries. Even those who are the cause of the accident could do without these mistakes, as they tend to reveal aggravating circumstances that would otherwise not be used against them. Here are some post-car accident mistakes that all people should avoid, whether they be victims or causes of an accident.
Fleeing From the Scene of the Accident
Fleeing the scene of an accident is illegal due to the inherent danger that you could be leaving someone who could have life-threatening injuries, and could also be understood as an attempt to flee from your obligations if any should arise from the accident. This also robs you and the other party of an opportunity to exchange contact information and the opportunity to secure compensation.
Admitting to Fault
Most states use tort or fault to determine which party is to be held liable for the damages incurred. It’s important to be wary of the things you say right after an accident, as even a good-natured apology can be understood as an admission of guilt. This is based on the reasoning that you shouldn’t have to apologize if it wasn’t your fault. As it is mentioned here,
Failing to Gather Evidence
As is the case with any court proceeding, a car accident-related lawsuit requires evidence to put forth in your case. A lack of evidence will severely hamper your chances of getting compensation (or defending your case). Even when your case prospers, you may not get the full extent of the damages you’re actually entitled to without evidence. Always take pictures after a car accident, no matter the severity.
Refusing a Doctor’s Evaluation
There are two reasons why it’s important to undergo a medical evaluation after a car accident. The first is to detect any life-threatening injuries and to treat them before they become more serious. This is especially true when you consider how adrenaline can dull the sensation of pain. It’s not uncommon for car accident victims to feel fine right after the accident, only to have serious medical complications later on.
The second reason is so you’re able to secure valuable evidence on the extent of your injuries. If you want to secure full and fair compensation, you need to make sure that all injuries are detected and appraised especially when some car accident-related injuries are chronic, costly, and life-altering. A full medical examination is the only sure way to thoroughly assess the damages that a claimant is entitled to.
Handling Your Case On Your Own
The worst mistake that anyone can make in any legal proceeding is in neglecting to hire a lawyer. While it’s possible to handle a personal injury claim on your own, you’d be severely hindering your chances of securing your compensation. Lawyers like this Evergreen Personal Injury Counsel are experts at handling vehicle accident-related lawsuits. Not only do lawyers have the training, experience, and knowledge to help you get the best possible outcome, but they also have connections and inside knowledge on the inner workings of court procedures, something that the lay person does not have.
Signing Papers Without Consulting a Lawyer
Not everyone is trained to read the fine print. It’s even worse when you’re forced to sign papers right after an accident, which means that your judgment is not as effective as when you’re composed and not under duress. The fine print on some legal papers could hurt you in the long run. Sometimes, the opposing party’s insurance company may even make the first move and offer you a settlement right away; a settlement that’s significantly less than what you’re actually entitled to.
A car accident is a serious matter, but there are many other complications that can easily make things worse for the parties involved. There are many injuries that could arise from such an accident and securing compensation is crucial in recovering or managing these injuries.