A criminal record, in short, can disrupt anyone’s career and even freedom of movement. This record can result in discrimination even if a person has lived for years on end as a law-abiding and responsible citizen. It is for this reason that record suspension exists. Also known as a pardon, record suspension lets people convicted of criminal offenses get that record removed. Let’s be clear, it won’t go away. Instead, it will just be kept separately and will allow you to begin a new life.
But you will surely a lot of questions about how it’s done. So let’s answer the most common asked questions:
What do you have to do to get your record suspended?
Record suspension in CanadaĀ isn’t a very complicated business. To get this done you will have to submit your fingerprints with your application. But that’s not all of course. Along with this, you will need to compile all of your personal information and put forth the application. Of course, necessary background and related checks have to be done as well to ensure that what you have put in the application is correct.
You must be wondering why you need your fingerprints, it’s because you will have to submit your court information, criminal record, local-police records, and other citizenship documents. Note that if you served in the military in some way then you will have to submit the necessary military-conduct sheets as well.
Once you have filled the forms, attached the documents, and all then you will have to put your signature on it. Then the information will have to be submitted to the esteemed Parole Board. If you feel like this entire process is too harrowing and too tiresome then you can get an agency that specializes in this to act on your behalf and help you out.
Who or where to apply for a record suspension?
Note that record suspensions aren’t issues quickly or automatically. To get rid of your criminal record, first of all, your application will have to be put forth to the esteemed PBC or Parole Board-of-Canada under the well known CRA or Criminal-Records Law. Keep in mind that you will only be able to apply once you have completed the sentence that’s allotted to you. But that’s not enough to get a record suspension.
Along with completing your sentence, you will also have to show that you are a law-abiding and responsible citizen now. But keep in mind that the Parole-board holds all power. It will deny, grants, or even revoke your record suspension regarding convictions that fall under the regulations or federal acts of Canada.
Who can get this record suspension?
Here’s who can getĀ record suspension in CanadaĀ and for what period:
- If you have been part of indictable offenses then you will be able to get record suspensions a decade after completing the sentence assigned for your crime. Under special circumstances, this term can get reduced to half a decade.
- If you have summary offenses then you will be eligible to have your record suspended for 5 years. But for this, you will have to complete the sentence assigned to your offense or offenses. If this feels too long for you then know that the term can get reduced under certain circumstances.
Note that a sentence can result in probation, fines, restitution, jail term, or surcharge as well. If you were prohibited from the court from getting and keeping a firearm or driving then it won’t be considered as a part of your sentence when it comes to record suspensions.
How to prevent discrimination rooted in suspended record-conviction?
Know that it’s illegal to discriminate based on a record conviction that has been suspended. This is illegal based on the Canadian Human-Rights Law. The law states that a person cannot be discriminated against if he or she needs services or is going to work currently for any kind of federal agency. This law mentions that any federal public-service employment application-form can’t ask questions regarding a record conviction that has been suspended. It also bars questions that can force anyone to disclose their suspended record-conviction.
What do you need to know concerning record suspension?
Note that there’s no need for you to get a representative or lawyer compulsorily when it comes to applying with all the needed information for your record suspension. You can opt to hire such representatives so that they can help you out throughout the entire process. At the end of the Parole Board, they will give the same weight to an application that’s submitted by a representative or an individual. This makes gettingĀ record suspension in CanadaĀ a very fair process.
If you think that representatives or agencies which specialize in it can rush your application process or pay a fee to quicken the time then you are wrong. It isn’t allowed by the esteemed Parole Board. Such measures ensure that the entire process is fully equal and fair.
How much do you have to pay to get your record suspended?
If you are opting to collect and submit your documents by yourself the cost will vary accordingly. After all, there are a lot of factors to consider like your location, offenses, postage, cost of court documents, and such. Note that apart from this you should also consider the around $650 submission fee that you will have to pay to the country’s Parole Board.
Having a suspended record-conviction will make life a lot easier for you. For one, you will be able to apply for jobs without any fear or hesitation. You will also be able to live freely in society. The application process is long and you will feel frustration but if you keep on going then you will get that ticket to the freedom you are looking for.