Many professions require a high level of sophistication, elegance and style. And being a lawyer is certainly one of them. When working as an attorney, your image says a lot about you. Sharp suits, block colours, crisp shirts, heels and classic jewellery are all signs of power and professionalism, something which your potential clients will look for and take comfort from during this stressful time of their lives.
As a lawyer, you’re naturally charismatic, confident and energetic so your work attire and your accessories must support your professional persona. This also extends to your choice of eyewear. Surprisingly, your choice of glasses says a lot more about you then you may think. So as an attorney, it makes perfect sense to complete some research and find the pair that reflects your professional image, perfectly.Â
You can start your search here and check out these reading glasses for men. See our tips for finding the right glasses as a legal professional below…
Shape matters
When it comes to choosing the shape of your glasses, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Just a few short decades ago we only had two choices: gigantically round frames or chunky and rectangular ones… Thankfully, these days there are plenty of options that can really enhance your professional image and help you make a strong statement both in your office and in the courtroom.Â
Bold and strong shaped eyewear is the ideal choice for attorneys. Classic narrow rectangles or striking almond-shaped glasses are the perfect balance of tradition and contemporary confidence. These shaped frames also give a timeless, studious impression and as you want your clients to have confidence in your legal experience and your intellect, these traditionally shaped frames tick all the boxes.     Â
Think colours
Glasses are often viewed as an extension of our personalities, and whilst you might be longing after a pair of bright red frames, they may not serve you well in the courtroom. Solid coloured frames in traditional, muted colours are much better suited to attorneys and legal professionals.Â
Wearing brightly coloured frames can often give a childlike or immature impression, something which no lawyer wants to be tainted with. You may also find that brightly coloured frames clash with the rest of your legal look.Â
Zany coloured frames may look a little out of place when matched with your crisp white shirts, tailored suits and perfectly coiffed hair. Traditional colours like gold, black, silver even tortoiseshell or steel/aluminium frames are safe and give off the right impression.Â
And finally, think weight
Lightweight frames are also a good option for lawyers and attorneys who are facing long days in the office and in court. When you’re pouring over evidence, speaking with other professionals and conversing with clients, the last thing you want is to feel distracted or uncomfortable due to your choice of frames.Â
Lawyers who opt for lightweight frames are much more comfortable and focused during their working day. So, leave the heavier frames in the past.Â