A simple idea to empower individuals and thereby promote a happier India is what led Pradeep Kumar Jain, Partner, Singhania & Co. in Mumbai to go beyond his regular work and contribute towards a better India.
Thanks to him, his efforts are now rapidly progressing as a successful initiative all over India. It is truly marvelous to see how an honest thought can create wonders. Pradeep has in the last one year visited almost 100 villages in India and encouraged members of the village to support him in dedicating a space in the village (room/building) that has books for all curious souls to read. He started off by getting books on his own for these libraries. Slowly, steadily, people around him were encouraged to purchase books for the libraries and donate their old books to these pustakalayas (i.e. libraries). As of today he has assisted a population of atleast 10 lakh villagers to have access to books thereby increasing awareness amongst the rural population in our country. Libraries have been opened in Bhind (MP), Shankarpura (MP), Gaheli (MP), Manchar (Pune) to name a few.
“This is truly the beginning. More and more people are reaching out to me and enquiring about how can they be a part of this initiative to spread education and awareness in India. I hope to encourage children in our villages to read and read more and have more constructive thoughts for themselves and their future. I would encourage anyone who is interested in being a part of our work to contact me and join me”