Ravindra Kumar Joshi and trial court judge Dev Kumar Khatri, who had convicted Salman Khan and sentenced him to five years in jail in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, are among more than 100 judicial officers transferred in Rajasthan. The order stated that the transfers were on account of administrative exigencies as routine process of reshuffle, usually carried out in March-April every year. He has been transferred to Sirohi.
However, Mr. Joshi is conducting the hearing in Khan’s case on Saturday, in view of the urgency with which all applications for bail and suspension of sentence under Section 389 of Criminal Procedure Code are treated. The Judge will get seven days for getting relieved from his present posting and is empowered to handle the pending judicial work during this period.
Mr. Joshi has been replaced by Chandra Kumar Songara, who was District and Sessions Judge in Bhilwara.
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Read the Order here:
[embeddoc url=”http://legaldesire.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/transferorderraj.pdf” download=”all”]