Driving is not a safe business and can get very dangerous. Every year, a staggering number of individuals lose their lives or get severely injured while driving. Millions of people get engaged in a number of hazardous activities just thinking of driving as a tedious yet necessary task. So, instead of paying attention to the road and not knowing what is going on around them, they get involved in an accident. As a result, they will have to face serious legal charges.
Getting into any legal case can be avoided by following a few simple and must-know safe driving tips. Yes, there is no denying that no matter how hard you try, you cannot control the situation. And for such cases, it is essential to know that there is an attorney or legal specialist available to help you out.
However, following a few essential tips can dramatically reduce the chance of you facing any dangerous situation or any legal case. If you are here to learn about those tips, then don’t worry, we have got you covered. Below in this article, we have put together a few must-follow tips for you. To learn about them, be sure to read till the very end.
1.    Don’t Drive Drunk
Sadly, most people don’t get this that driving drunk can not only put their lives in danger but also other people on the road are also in danger. You should know for the fact that in the United States, every day, 29 people in the vehicle crashes that include an alcohol-impaired driver, which is one death in every 50 minutes. In addition to this, the yearly cost of alcohol-related vehicle accidents sums about $44 billion. Most of these deaths could have been avoided if the drivers involved simply were not impaired by alcohol while driving.
Alcohol is the main reason for the number of impairments that lead to car crashes. It affects motor skills and judgment. It means the person who is buzzed cannot drive well. If you are those who drive when drunk, then you need to stop it so that you and others on the road will remain safe. If you don’t avoid drunk driving and caught in this condition, then the chances are you will have to face legal charges. In that case, only an attorney such as Phoenix DUI Attorney can save you.
2.    Avoid Speed
It is always said that ‘speed kills’ and we are not surprised at all. Every year, thousands of people die in car accidents due to over speeding. In fact, in the United States, it is one of the leading causes of death for children and young people. According to the research, every mile per hour you drive, the probability of your being in an accident increases by 4 to 5%. The higher the speed, the risk of meeting an accident increases.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stated that speeding is one of the most common factors contributing to traffic crashes. Furthermore, the NHTSA estimated that the cost to society of speeding-related accidents is over $40.4 billion every year. So, it is concluded that you are only increasing the risk of a car crash and putting other lives at risk as well. And to avoid any loss, you should follow the rules and maintain the speed limit.
3.    Avoid Using Phone
In the US, many states have passed laws that strictly prohibited the use of mobile phones while driving. It is because every year, more than 2,600 deaths occur nationwide, according to an estimate. In fact, these numbers may be too low because of the continued rise in the use of mobile phones behind the wheel. Many people think that texting and calling is not a big deal whatsoever. However, in reality, using a cell phone while driving can delay reaction times by as much as 20%.
Checking out your friend’s latest Facebook status or typing text behind the wheels means you will not see the senior citizen crossing the street or the car that just slammed on its brakes in front of you. So what you need to do is leave your phone in your pocket or put it on silent mode so that you are using it again and again. If it is very important for you to make a call, then stop your car on the side of the road and then use your phone.
4.    Don’t Eat and Drink
Eating and drinking while driving is something we all do and should stop doing it. You may think that it is okay to eat food, but you should know that distraction of any type is risky – be it drinking, eating, or using a cell phone. You will be surprised to learn that according to a study, 80% of all car accidents occur due to eating while driving. A new study shows a shocking 65% of near misses and 80% of all car accidents happen by drivers who are more focused on their burgers than the road.
Some people can manage to eat a simple thing like a burger when behind the wheels. Some foods are just plain dangerous for a driver to eat. For instance, tacos are messy and fall apart when you try to eat them, which is too much of a distraction. Plus, they are greasy and can make it difficult for you to grip the steering wheel. Hence, you need to wait until you get home.
5.    Don’t Drive Drowsy
Drowsy driving is one of the significant problems in the United States. The danger, risk, and tragic results of drowsy driving are predictable. It is a dangerous combination of driving and tiredness that happens because of not having slept enough, medications, untreated sleep disorders, drinking alcohol, or shift work. According to the research conducted by Virginia Tech, 20% of all accidents have drowsiness as a contributing factor.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that in 2013, drowsy driving causes more than 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths. Nevertheless, these numbers are underestimated. You might think that there is nothing to worry about when you have a few yawns, but being a little tired is enough to increase your risk of getting in an accident. To minimize the risk of meeting an accident, drive alert and stay unhurt.
6.    Don’t Forget To Wear Seat Belt
We all are always advised to wear a seat belt when we are driving to ensure safety. It is because wearing a seat belt significantly reduces the risk of severe injuries and deaths. When worn correctly, they stop you from being thrown around the inside of a crashing car. For front-seat passengers and drivers wearing seat belts decrease the risk of death by 45%, and reduce the risk of injury by 50%.
NHTSA stated that over half of all accident mortalities were individuals who were not wearing seat belts. A surprising 70% of lethal crash victims are usually teenagers between the ages of 13 and 15 who were not using seat belts. Wearing seat belts will prevent you and the person sitting next to you from being ejected during a crash. Plus, you have a higher chance of surviving if you are wearing a seat belt.
7.    Be Careful in Bad Weather
Driving in bad weather can be very stressful. The U.S. Department of Transportation found that bad weather-related issues are the cause of one of every five vehicle crashes in the United States. If you are driving through heavy rain, fog, a snowstorm, or on icy roads, you need to be extra cautious. You should follow all the safety tips you can to avoid accidents in bad weather.
When you are driving during rain, there are chances that you will not be able to see clearly. In this situation, you need to slow your speed than you usually would even if you go below the speed limit that would be just fine. When it is sunny, you can combat glare by cleaning your windshield regularly and immediate repairs to chips or cracks. Plus, do not forget to keep a pair of polarized sunglasses to avoid accidents.
8.    Maintain A Safe Distance
It comes highly recommended to maintain a safe distance between you and the car ahead. Every driver requires enough time to react if the vehicle ahead of him makes a sudden stop or turn. It can be very difficult to tell what should be the exact distance between the two cars on the road. So, most experts recommend drivers to follow a “three-second rule.”
This rule is very simple to understand and follow. To follow this rule, find any still object on the side of the road. When the car ahead of you passed that stationary object, you need to start counting seconds. After three seconds, your vehicle should pass the same object. After practicing this for a few times, you will develop an instinct for it, and you will start doing this without having to count. However, you should count off the three seconds rule now and then to make sure you are still doing it right.