Disclaimer: The content is related to USA jurisdiction.
A prison cell may seem like an uncomplicated environment. It’s a place where your freedom of movement, actions, and access to almost everything is restricted. However, for anyone who has ever served time in prison, a prison can be so much more. It’s a place where correctional officers and administrators forego their integrity, privacy, and power, where loneliness and boredom can drive someone insane, and where even the most basic needs become luxuries.
If your only knowledge of the inside is from what you’ve seen in films, your expectations will probably be a bit different, because being inside is an experience that can never be fully understood without firsthand knowledge. But to help you understand better, take a look at these facts about prisons that you may not know about:
1. Healthcare Is Available But Limited
Prison healthcare is a medical coverage designed for prisoners and captives. Although it’s generally available, rules and coverage vary across states, but you can always find more information online. For healthcare professionals, delivering medical services in prison poses unique challenges, especially with all the strict security protocols.Â
That said, security is always the main priority in prisons, which is why proper healthcare only comes second, so prisoners have no other option if adequate healthcare is unavailable. Â
2. There Are No Fitness Equipment In Prison
Another frequently used prison motif in Hollywood is a cell block or open yard with inmates lifting dumbbells or conversing on a bench. Unfortunately, real prisons are far from that, so if you want to stay fit, you’ll have to be resourceful. There are numerous innovative ways to exercise while imprisoned. One of the most common alternatives is to fill a large trash bag with water and use it as a substitute for dumbbells.Â
Another common prison exercise is doing pushups with another inmate seated or pressing on your back for resistance. In short, there are numerous creative ways to utilize your jail time to increase muscle mass or maintain a basic level of fitness even without fancy equipment.Â
3. Recreational Activities Are Available
It may come as a surprise, but prisoners are actually allowed recreation time while serving time inside. On weekends or days you’re not expected to work in the yard, you may choose to retire to your bed and nap, or you may rent an MP3 player and listen to music.Â
Additionally, inmates may be given access to tablets or computers from which they can rent films, educational materials, and other digital items. While you won’t receive an iPad Pro preloaded with an entire music and movie library, this is better than nothing.
4. Communication Is Allowed But Screened
You’ll want to memorize critical phone numbers for when you need to contact people outside. However, you’ll only be able to communicate with the ones that the Department of Corrections has approved. In other words, don’t even think about combing through your contacts and dial your former drug dealer for a business call. None of this is how prison communication works, and you shouldn’t expect the Department of Corrections to give you any leeway on this point.Â
Similarly, you may be permitted to send and receive mail, but they’ll be subject to approval, and all visitors and items that you send and receive will be inspected. Keep in mind that anything you do while incarcerated is subject to search and seizure without a warrant. If you or the people you communicate with discuss something illegal or highly personal, remember that your conversation won’t be private and may be used against you.
5. Violence Happens But Isn’t That Common
Numerous factors contribute to jail violence, including racial tensions, gang membership, and routine bullying. Nonetheless, these instances of violence are frequently isolated and usually just a single occurrence. However, even if you keep your nose clean and avoid physical abuse, you may still come across it. Also remember that prisons aren’t always as secure as we’d like to believe, and other prisoners who have the means may be able to manufacture firearms.Â
Never assume that a prison brawl will just end in a fistfight, and avoid unsustainable gambling debts. Prison violence is a genuine issue, but you can avoid being a victim by being prudent and respectful. Try your best to avoid prison fights to ensure that you get out safely after serving your time, and maybe you can have a better life after prison.Â
Nobody can predict the heinous events that may unfold inside prisons. There will be days, however, when it won’t feel as bad as you anticipated. It may also help if you can acknowledge your current circumstances and remind yourself, as the vast majority of prisoners do, that this won’t last and that your life will continue when you’re finally released.