Car accidents are pervasive worldwide. About 1.3 million lives are lost on the road yearly with about 50 million suffering from all types of injuries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
There are many reasons why vehicle collisions happen, human error being the most common followed by dangerous road conditions. Despite road safety rules, car mishaps can still occur. No matter how careful you are, motorists and pedestrians around you may not be as cautious as they should be. Getting involved in accidents on the road can be fatal, costly, and psychologically damaging.Â
Below are the most common reasons for car accidents and what you can do to prevent them:
1. Driving Under The Influence
Teen drivers, Hollywood stars, and even middle-aged soccer moms are humans, too. Sometimes, they can’t refuse to consume alcohol and other addictive substances or prohibited drugs. And this is a recipe for getting in trouble.Â
Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of mind-altering compounds, including prescription medicines that cause drowsiness, is completely discouraged to prevent the serious impacts of a car collision. Instead of insisting on driving after a night of partying, leave the car somewhere safe and take a taxi. Avoid taking medicines shortly before driving, too.
2. Over Speeding
This is one of the main reasons for road accidents everywhere. An increase in speed also raises the probability and intensity of a car crash. The WHO further states that for every 1% rise in mean speed, there’s a 4% hike in the likelihood of a fatal car crash and another 3% increase in the risk of a serious car collision.
This means the faster your vehicle goes, the less control you have of your car—and this is never a good sign as you can either inflict serious damage to yourself or to others. Speed limits are imposed for a good reason and motorists should respect road and traffic rules. If you’re a victim of a speeding driver, you may contact Easton & Easton Law Offices and others for legal guidance and advice.
3. Distracted Driving
A driver is expected to focus on the road and the pedestrians while on the wheel. Unfortunately, the world is full of distractions. This problem is starting to get alarming as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that eight people die due to distracted driving daily.
Any activity inside the vehicle that steals your full attention away from the road is classified as a distraction. They can be visual, manual, or cognitive. Practices such as eating or drinking, using a mobile phone, and applying make-up are listed as the most distracted driving activities.
To prevent potentially fatal car collisions caused by distracted driving, wait until you’ve arrived at your destination to do these things. If it’s an emergency, pull over to the side of the road where it’s safe. Drivers are often unaware of the perilous impacts of distracted driving, making it a serious safety issue.
4. Reckless Driving
Irresponsible driving, as it may as well be called, involves a blatant disregard of traffic rules exposing you and the other motorists to potential and actual road accidents.Â
Applying brakes sharply, making U-turns in prohibited areas, running on a red light, or switching lanes without using signals are only a few of the main acts included on the list. The vehicle has signals and other embedded safety devices to notify other drivers of your next moves.
When you fail as a driver to inform other motorists of your plan to make turns, it’s a perfect recipe for a road collision. So, make sure your lights and other safety devices work perfectly before hitting the road. If not, have it repaired as soon as possible to protect yourself and others. Also, keep your distance from other drivers and practice defensive driving as a precautionary measure.
5. Unfavorable Weather Conditions
When nature strikes and you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, it can lead to serious consequences. Heavy rains are common in some states, and as far as wet roads go, driving under such a condition could reduce traction and visibility as well as hide road problems, significantly increasing your vehicle’s chances of slipping.
Because they can drastically worsen road conditions, it’s better to avoid getting behind the wheel when there’s too much rain. If you must, make sure to slow down and avoid driving through unfamiliar and dark roads. You can spend a few hours at a roadside deli and wait until the downpour subsides before continuing your journey.
Driving during the night can be dangerous as well since you lose visibility, too. Be more aware of the pedestrians and vehicles nearby to ensure you don’t hurt anyone.
Road accidents are quite common, but you can do something to prevent most of these mishaps by following road rules and avoiding distracted driving or driving under the influence. Using safety devices also reduces these things from happening.
When an accident occurs, get medical or professional help as soon as possible. For any serious consequences due to the other party’s negligence, consider hiring a lawyer for advice.